Doc McStuffins: A Revolutionary Role Model

For once Disney seems to be doing something right. Its primary role models for girls have, for years, been princesses. Sure, the ones created in the past couple years have been more dynamic, with more in their lives than just wishing that “someday my prince will come,” but at the end of the day, they’re princesses. That’s usually the notes on which their movies end. They’ve found men or are living in a castle: that’s the happily ever after. The princesses are also all so very “white as snow.” Most of the princesses are white, and everyone else just gets … Continue reading

Who is Your Model Mom?

My model mom has eight legs, five biological children, three adoptive ones, two dewy eyes and a gigantic heart of gold. In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m turning the spotlight on motivational moms who have made an impact on my parenting techniques. While there are many exceptional women out there raising kids in ways that warm the heart and stir the soul, this post highlights a unique mother I’ve admired since my daughter was a toddler. She embodies the fortitude of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the diplomacy of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and the flexibility of a Cirque … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1980s-Present Day

So far I listed my favorite TV role model wives from the 1950s to the 1970s. This list takes us through the eighties to current times. 1980s • Elyse Keaton (Family Ties): Her down to earth demeanor and strength of conviction helped her be the beacon her husband and kids turned to for guidance through rough waters. • Jennifer Hart (Hart to Hart): She was glamorous, stunning, stylish, and smart and she got to have all these amazing adventures catching bad guys with her dashing, devoted husband. • Roseanne Connor (Roseanne): This one straddles both the eighties and nineties since … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1950s-1970s

Since November is National Inspirational Role Model Month, I thought it’d be fun to list some television wives I’ve admired over the years. Even though they are TV wives, in a TV world where everything’s scripted and a happy ending is assured, there’s wisdom and inspiration to be gleaned from their foibles, mishaps, and messes nonetheless. Because conflict, confrontation, and duress are guaranteed at some point during the half hour or hour time slot in which their shows run. That’s what makes it entertaining: to see how they’ll deal with, and eventually overcome, the problems they’re faced with. I’ve listed … Continue reading

Role Models – Re-Purposing Them In Your Life

Role models are people who capture our imagination because they demonstrate success at levels we believe that we can only dream about. Our role models may be rich and wealthy like Donald Trump or Bill Gates. They may have tremendous fame like Julia Roberts, Princess Diana and Brad Pitt. The thing about role models that makes them so great is that they are living proof that provides us with reassurance that greatness can be accomplished. Whether they work with personal trainers, financial advisors or agents – their success is what makes them a role model for you. Re-Purposing Your Role … Continue reading

10 Ways To Be A Positive Role Model

In my blog “Who is your Child’s Role Model” I discuss the survey results that show that 50% of teenagers view a relative as a role model. Which means that parents are often their own child’s role models. So as a parent it is important that you are a good role model for your child. Here are ten ways that you can be a positive role model for your child. 1. Share your values. Let your child know what your stand is on things like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and premarital sex. Having a value system like religion is also important. … Continue reading

Who Is Your Child’s Role Model?

Having a positive role model is important, especially for teenagers. Doctors Yancey, Siegel, and McDaniel found that teenagers who have a positive role model have higher self-esteem. They are also less likely to get involved in substance abuse and usually do better in school. So who is your child’s role model? Chances are it is you. In a recent survey of teenage girls done for Gillette Company “nearly half of all respondents (48 percent) chose their own mothers as the best examples of ‘inner beauty.’” More teen girls (46%) looked to their mothers as a role model and as a … Continue reading

Disney Redefining Princesses

Disney’s gotten a lot of criticism, from me and from plenty of others, for its dedication to princesses.  But today I’m here to give Disney some serious kudos for its latest Princess-related ad.  You can watch the clip on YouTube. It’s just awesome.  If you’re not able to watch it at the moment, the ad features a variety of girls, from all ages, races, and backgrounds, and the voice over repeats that “I’m a princess.”  But in between saying that, the narration says other fantastic things as well, such as “it’s important to stand up for myself.  It’s more important … Continue reading

What Do You Think of “Habit Heroes”?

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida has teamed up with Disney to create something new at Epcot Center. It is an attraction called “Habit Heroes”. The insurer feels it is a fun way to give kids information about making healthy choices. Critics say that Habit Heroes is harmful to the mental health of kids who are overweight or obese. Disney World has been called “the happiest place on earth”. Lots of kids dream of being able to take a family vacation to Disney World, (which often includes a visit to Epcot Center as well). A new, controversial, attraction at … Continue reading

The Importance of Grandparents

I recently read an article describing a study conducted by BYU about the importance of grandparent involvement in the lives of children. The researchers interviewed 400 children between the ages of 10 and 14 years old. After one year they found that those who had direct involvement from grandparents were kinder to others outside of their immediate family and friends; and in some cases smarter. Is it actually possible that our children are kinder as a result of having their grandparents involved? According to this study there seems to be a strong correlation. Looking back, this doesn’t really surprise me. … Continue reading