I Need A 5-Minute Retreat

Tuesday was one of those days when I should have taken my own advice and took a 5-minute retreat. In this case it would have been more like a five hour retreat. Have you ever had one of those days when you just couldn’t seem to get together and things just kept happening? Well I had one of those days. It started at 6:30 when I woke up and found that Jack Frost had stopped by for a visit. Okay I live in the South and there’s no reason the temperature should fall below say 75 degrees let alone the … Continue reading

5-Minute Retreats Finale

This is the last installment of the 5-Minute Retreats. I hope you have enjoyed them and most importantly that you are using the tips. If you can get the book, please do so, because it is chock-full of many more tips and general inspiration for moms. In the meantime, the next time you need a retreat try one of these great ideas: Take a short break from counting calories, grams of fat and carbohydrates and delight in comfort foods, just do so in moderation. Do something out of character— sign up for a line dancing, woodworking or other class, for … Continue reading