Sneaking “Me” Time Into Your Day

Many moms wonder how they can sneak a bit of “me” time into their busy day. For me, I find most days to be a juggling act. I cringe when people say that it should be easier for me since I “don’t work”. It’s sad that some people think the life of a writer is all glitz and glamour and we’re sitting around in our pajamas all day, sipping coffee and reading steamy romance novels. Or watching Oprah. Okay, I do work in my pajamas from time to time, but that’s not the point. I probably “work” more hours than … Continue reading

5-Minute Retreats Finale

This is the last installment of the 5-Minute Retreats. I hope you have enjoyed them and most importantly that you are using the tips. If you can get the book, please do so, because it is chock-full of many more tips and general inspiration for moms. In the meantime, the next time you need a retreat try one of these great ideas: Take a short break from counting calories, grams of fat and carbohydrates and delight in comfort foods, just do so in moderation. Do something out of character— sign up for a line dancing, woodworking or other class, for … Continue reading