Cute Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts (Inexpensive, Too!)

Handmade gifts, especially when they mark milestones in your child’s life can be lovely. You’ll find yourself years from now looking at them and remembering back to earlier times. I have a small collection of these gifts, and they always make me smile. For example, there is the wax cast of my first-born’s hand when he was only two. We were at a festival, and the vendor didn’t want to cast anyone under the age of four because children that age tend not to hold still. We insisted and said we would take it, no matter how it came out. … Continue reading

Sanity Tips for the Single Mother

You’ve got a lot on your plate. If you’re anything like me your mind is going about a thousand miles an hour trying to keep track of this and that and what and when and who and…well you get the point. It’s kind of a mess trying to keep track of everything you have to do day in and day out because there’s no one else there to remind you of what needs to be done. I have felt myself going a little more insane each day, but I have learned a few tricks that have helped keep my sanity … Continue reading

Buddhism For Mothers

A couple of days ago I started reading a very helpful parenting book. While this book has not helped me to solve any of my current toddler parenting dilemmas just yet, it has helped me to begin approaching them in a slightly different way. Before I launch into my description of the book and why I am enjoying it, I will offer up my favorite piece of parenting advice. That advice is to take what is useful and discard the rest. There is no one perfect parenting solution that will work for all families, so it is up to you … Continue reading

Single Dads Not Forgotten

So often we write in regards to the single mothers of the world, today I would like to reach out to the single fathers and let them know that they are not forgotten. While there are significantly more single mothers out there, many single fathers are struggling with similar issues that often go unnoticed. Growing up my two best friends were raised by a single father, in a time when single fathers were much less common. It was very unusual in the state of Utah for a father to get sole custody, but due to the extenuating circumstances at the … Continue reading

Accepting the Things You Cannot Change

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” We’ve all heard the serenity prayer countless times throughout our lives. I’ve loved these beautiful words from the first time that I heard them; putting them in to practice, however, is another matter entirely. After my divorce I felt completely helpless. I felt as if I had lost everything that night. I lost my home, my husband, my source of income, and my dream of having a family. No matter what I did … Continue reading

Illinois Has a Moms & Babies Medicaid Program

Medicaid is a low-income health insurance program that exists in every state. The program covers individuals and families. It also has a portion that covers the health care needs of pregnant women. In Illinois, there is a Moms & Babies program, and a Presumptive Eligibility program. Medicaid is a public, or government run, health insurance program. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage to individuals and families who are low-income and who cannot afford to purchase a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded by both the federal government and by the government of an individual … Continue reading

I’m A Big Kid Now

Potty training. Are there any other words that can make a parent want to throw up their hands in surrender? Some kids are so easy to potty train, they practically come out of the womb wearing Barbie panties, others, we wonder if they are going to school in pull ups. As a single mother diapers are an extra expense, and the sooner you can get rid of them, the easier it is on your wallet. However, being a single mother makes potty training more difficult. Usually your child spends time with people other than just you, and not everyone is … Continue reading

Grandmother Bullied on School Bus

Oh the lessons you can learn on a school bus. Lesson #1: Don’t bully an innocent grandmother/bus monitor, and then smirk as someone shoots video of you in the act. Because… Lesson #2: The chances of said video going viral are astronomical and… Lesson #3: The chances of said grandmother having the last laugh are even greater. Just ask Karen Klein. The 68-year-old grandmother from upstate New York has endured plenty of pain in her life, including the death of her beloved husband and the tragic loss of her son to suicide. However, it took a bus full of tweenage … Continue reading

Mother Knows Best

One of the hardest things about being a single parent is not having a second opinion when your child is sick. Do I take them to the doctor or do I wait? Sometimes, unfortunately, it’s a financial consideration as well. No one would admit out loud that they delayed taking their child to the doctor because they can’t afford the co pay, but for many of us, that’s the reality. I’ve learned that most things will pass, if you give them enough time. A cold is just a cold, no matter how miserable they are. I’ve also learned to trust … Continue reading

So This Is What’s It’s Life to Be a Mother

I’m the type of mom that didn’t leave my baby girl’s side ever since she was born. When she started preschool, many people thought I would suffer a great deal, or she would as well for never experiencing anything without me. Surprisingly enough, she did awesome, and I did too. When Kindergarten came, my little girl did not find it as exciting as preschool. She had major separation anxiety, and it took her a long time to get to a point where she wouldn’t cry and cling to me. I think it was easier for me because I was too … Continue reading