When is Mother’s Day Celebrated?

What day do you celebrate Mother’s Day? The answer to that question depends upon where in the world you live. Or, it could be based on where your mother is currently living. Many countries celebrate Mother’s Day but not all of them do it on the same day. This presents a dilemma for families who have relatives in more than one country. How do you know which Mother’s Day to celebrate? Do you use the one that matches with the country your mother lives in? What if that date isn’t the same one where you live? Mother’s Day is celebrated … Continue reading

Fun Father’s Day Reads

Forget about the tacky tie, fluorescent golf balls, and the tennis racket-shaped bug zapper.  What Dad really wants this Father’s Day is some quality time with the TV remote, his trusty recliner and a plate of bacon. Of course, what Dad wants for the upcoming holiday and what his enthusiastic young offspring want for him may be vastly different.  Fortunately, the following Father’s Day reads may be the key to compromise.  Kids can cuddle up with Dad on his favorite chair and share quality time reading the delightful holiday-themed page turners… while Mom cooks a pile of pork products for a post-story time … Continue reading

Picture-Perfect Mother’s Day

What are you asking for this Mother’s Day? A clean basement? Not if your husband’s idea of “cleaning” is tossing out all of your stuff. An expensive vacuum? Not if you have to use it more to justify the price. Breakfast in bed? Not if it means doing damage control in the kitchen until dinner. What about a peaceful day surrounded by the people whose existence affords you membership in the sweetest sorority on earth? This Mother’s Day consider cuddling up with your kiddos and enjoying a quiet moment with these picture-perfect holiday reads: The Berenstain Bears: We Love Our … Continue reading

Simple and Affordable Mother’s Day Fun

If your budget doesn’t allow you to lavish mom with expensive gifts this Mother’s Day, don’t fret.  With a little planning and creativity you can make your mom feel like royalty minus the queen’s ransom. The key to creating memorable Mother’s Day gifts is to make them with love.  The other requirement is to have fun in the process.  The following homemade gift ideas are simple enough for young children to help with; plus, they don’t require a ton of money to make: Pretty Pots Materials: Unglazed terra cotta pot Acrylic paints Paint brushes Craft glue Embellishments (buttons, gems, stickers, … Continue reading

The Mother’s Day Sales have Started!

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Have you bought you mom a lovely gift yet? If not, then take advantage of some of the Mother’s Day sales that are going on right now. You can get something lovely for your mom without having to spend a fortune! Barnes & Noble has a “Buy 1, Get 1 50% Off” sale. There are a total of 81 titles of books to choose from including: Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou, Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, and many more. This sale will continue through May 13, 2013. Some Barnes & … Continue reading

Buddhism For Mothers

A couple of days ago I started reading a very helpful parenting book. While this book has not helped me to solve any of my current toddler parenting dilemmas just yet, it has helped me to begin approaching them in a slightly different way. Before I launch into my description of the book and why I am enjoying it, I will offer up my favorite piece of parenting advice. That advice is to take what is useful and discard the rest. There is no one perfect parenting solution that will work for all families, so it is up to you … Continue reading

Mothers: A Sorority of Complainers?

(Sweeter than a Dyson.) You are looking at one of the lovely Mother’s Day gifts I was presented with yesterday by my adorable daughter. As you can tell, it can’t be used to suck up strewn Cheerios from hardwood or carpeted floors, nor can it separate dust by cyclonic action and spin it out of the airstream with the simple press of a button. Also, it doesn’t rhyme with Dyson. Regardless, I love my card, especially the handwritten note scribbled in bright pink crayon inside. It will forever help me remember Mother’s Day 2012. The holiday has come and gone … Continue reading

Mother’s Day Loot

Twas the night before Mother’s Day… are you headed to bed with visions of sugar plums dancing in your head? If you’re dreaming of waking up to a clean house, a new Dyson, hot breakfast on a tray served to you by non-bickering children and a bouquet of perky tulips, you may want to take an extra Ambien before you hit the hay tonight. Take two if you are relying on your husband to produce your Mother’s Day loot. According a recent poll conducted by PlumDistrict.com, 44 percent of dads forget to deliver a single rose on Mother’s Day. That’s … Continue reading

Deals for Mother’s Day – 2012

Mother’s Day is coming up in a few weeks. What gift do you plan to give to your mother? If you don’t have a good answer to that question, then you might want to check out a few of these deals on Mother’s Day gifts. You don’t have to spend a fortune in order to make your mother feel special! Barnes & Noble has a Mother’s Day Tote that can be purchased for $7.95. Or, you can get it for $4.95 with the purchase of any two eligible items. This colorful tote has lovely images of flowers, butterflies, and even … Continue reading

Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ Day is this weekend. I have some memories of this holiday, largely associated with my elementary school years. I remember that each year, the school would have a special lunch on Grandparents’ Day and we could each invite our grandparents to attend. Before the lunch, there were musical performances by each classroom and before Grandparents’ Day we would make special cards or pictures during art class to present to our grandparents. I remember that one or both of my grandmothers would attend the celebration each year. I am sure that much has changed since I was in elementary school. … Continue reading