Avoid Swimming Pool Sickness

And I thought chasing after a wet, naked child in public was a problem… Imagine taking your kids to the city pool to cool off on the first day of summer vacation, then being forced to spend the next week nursing them back to health. A growing number of kids are getting sick from swimming in public pools.  The problem has become so widespread the Center for Disease Control recently issued a warning to parents about protecting their children from recreational water illnesses. Heath experts say even regularly maintained pools can contain contaminants like cryptosporidium.  If a person doesn’t shower … Continue reading

Summer Bummer: Poo in the Pool

One of the highlights of my family’s summer has been the near daily trips we’ve taken to our neighborhood swimming pool. Given that the summer of 2012 has been the hottest on record, I can’t tell you how grateful I am to live near this watery oasis of fun, especially since I parent a fish. Of course, I’m not the only mom who has made the pool a home away from home with her kids. In fact, with the record breaking heat wave we’ve endured this summer our pool has been packed to capacity on several occasions. The swarms of … Continue reading

Parents and Vacation Time

With Independence Day falling on a Wednesday this year, many parents with jobs outside the home, took off Thursday and Friday to extend the holiday weekend. Others simply exercised a week’s worth of vacation to spend uninterrupted holiday time with their families. Are you enjoying time away from the office right now? If so, consider yourself lucky. According to a new study, the United States is one of only a handful of developed countries in the world that doesn’t require companies to give their workers time off. In other cases, workers are given minimum vacation time that cannot be transferred … Continue reading

Summer Sanity Savers for Parents

Summertime and the living is easy. Kind of. Maybe. Sort of. Well, not so much if you have a house full of bored kids. Summer vacation is an exciting time for children. However, once the novelty of being out of school wears off, parents are often left with warring offspring whining that they have nothing better to do than to beat the heck out each other. In order to preserve your sanity this summer, consider the following simple kid-friendly activities aimed at keeping youngsters out of trouble: Fun with Dirt: Take a trip to a local greenhouse and select seeds … Continue reading

Summer Swimming Safety

Drowning is one of the leading causes of deaths among children under 12 years old. However, that’s not the only danger you have to worry about when you take your son or daughter to the pool this summer. My 7-year-old daughter is a fish. She swims with ease and is very mindful of water safety measures whether she is at the pool, ocean or lake. As a mom, my level of anxiety is quite low when we take a water-themed family trip because of my daughter’s ability to swim. So, imagine my surprise when my child suffered a pool-related problem … Continue reading

Our Swimming Pool Adventures: Our First Visit to the Pool

With all of our pent up anticipation for the upcoming swimming pool season, I was thrilled when I discovered that one of the five local pools was opening a week early for Memorial Day. Given all of my preparations, I was excited to take the kids to the pool sooner than I had originally planned. However, I had reservation about going to the pool during Memorial Day weekend due to the inevitable throngs of people. This particular pool opened on Saturday and even though the high temperature for the day was in the nineties, I did not make an attempt … Continue reading

Prepping for Summer Dangers

The heat is on. Apparently, we don’t have to wait until Memorial Day for summer weather to commence. Much of the nation is expected to experience record-breaking heat this weekend. In my neck of the woods, daytime highs are supposed to hit 90 degrees tomorrow and Sunday. That’s a huge deal, especially since there have been years when it has snowed in late May. While the fabulous weather is reason to celebrate, it should also serve as a reminder to parents to be more vigilant as kids look to cool off around water. According to a new government report, drowning … Continue reading

What’s New at Coupons.com? – Week of March 2, 2012

One way to save yourself some time, as you hunt for coupons, is to sign up to get email from Coupons.com. They send about two emails a week, sometimes, three. Each one contains links to plenty of coupons. Coupons.com has a feature called “CouponFinder Lite”. You can only get access to it if you sign up to get emails from Coupons.com. It is a free service. They have another one that you have to pay for, that is supposed to give you coupons that are even more amazing that what the “CouponFinder Lite” gives you. Personally, I think the free … Continue reading

Keeping Your Cool

Yell at your kids lately? If you’ve been forced indoors by the extreme heat that has suffocated much of the nation over the past 10 days, then you might appreciate the following sanity-saving activities. After spending six days straight at the pool trying to beat triple digit temps, last week I issued a moratorium on ultra-violet rays and chlorine water. Instead of contributing to what I thought was another episode of my daughter’s continuing saga with swimmer’s ear, I decided that we would spend the day enjoying the air conditioned comfort of home while whipping up these simple and cool … Continue reading

Swimming in Ink

Today’s high temperature hit 98 degrees in our small Midwestern town. The heat index soared to 112. Too hot to move… unless, of course, you were doing so under water. Fortunately, our neighborhood contains a nice-sized swimming pool, which was beyond packed today thanks to Mother Nature’s brutal heat wave. Among the hundreds of pool-goers were plenty of babies in bikinis, tons of Croc-wading toddlers, and a slew of inked-up mamas. The tatted mommies were out in full force today, and it was all I could do to keep my young daughter from playing connect the tattoos with her curious … Continue reading