Insurance Blog Week In Review – April 8 – 14, 2012

What did you miss this week? The Insurance Blog Week in Review is an excellent way to “ketchup” on everything that hit the blog in the past seven days. There can be anywhere between twelve and fourteen different blogs that appear, and it is easy to accidentally miss something that you wanted to read. Green Tree Offer Homeowners and Flood Insurance All in One Most homeowners insurance policies do not cover flooding. For that, you need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy. Green Tree Insurance offers a combined homeowners and flood insurance policy. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – March 4 – 11, 2012

What did you miss this week? The Special Needs Blog Week in Review is a quick and easy way to catch up on everything that hit the blog in a given week. If you are short on time, you can skim through the titles, and pick out the ones that interest you the most. There are links that will take you directly to the full articles. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on March 5, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out an episode of Raising Arizona Kids Magazine called “A conversation with Kaitlin MacKay”. She received a … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – Week of February 19 – 25, 2012

Did you miss something on the Special Needs Blog this week? One way to easily find the blogs that you missed out on, but meant to read, is to check out the Special Needs Blog Week in Review. You can find everything that hit the blog in the past week. Just click on the link the whatever blogs catch your attention. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on February 20, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out the Hope Saves the Day podcast. They discuss a brand new book that is designed to help parents to raise children … Continue reading

Getting Answers from Insurers is Difficult

My attempt to find out what my health insurance actually covers came to a stand still. The booklet mentioned something about “preventative care” being covered. However, it never described exactly what the insurer considered to be “preventative care”. A call to my insurer was enlightening. I almost feel sorry for the phone representative that ended up getting me when I called my health insurer for information today. I don’t think they get many callers who are as informed about health insurance as I am. There is an advantage to writing about insurance topics every day for over a year. The … Continue reading

Gluten-Free Resources : Blogs

It is not unusual for people who have to eat gluten-free to feel very alone in this world. Very few restaurants serve food in a way that is safe for us to eat. You might not know anyone else who has to avoid gluten. In reality, you are not alone! There are some excellent gluten-free blogs to explore. There are days when I feel as though there is nothing in this world that is safe for me to eat. It is easy to feel quite alone as you look over a menu at a new restaurant, only to discover that … Continue reading

Short Answer

Once again my students are preparing for an exam and once again I am preparing to write up the exam they will be given. It is a complex course I teach. The students have three subjects, three instructors, three tests and a combination of in-class work, lecture, guest speakers and guest artists. One has trouble blaming them for asking what they should focus on while preparing for the exam. As such, they are given access to review materials in order to assist them in their studies. In truth, these review materials are often nothing more than the slides and notes … Continue reading

Timing is Everything

‘Become the change you want to see in the world.’ That quote from Gandhi is emblazoned cross the notice board of a high school around our way. It started me thinking that it sounds like good advice for marriage too. So if you want your spouse to be more thoughtful or understanding or sensitive to your needs, then maybe you need to demonstrate those qualities toward your spouse first. I’m talking to myself, as much as any of you reading here. If you want your spouse to listen to you, then you need to show them the courtesy of listening … Continue reading

An Answer for Everything

She may not be old enough to cross the street by herself or cut her own meat. Heck, she can’t even reach the bathroom faucet without the help of a stool, but my 5-year-old daughter is never short on answers. The kid has a retort for everything. Her opinions flow like liquid mercury down a steep hill. Her insistence to have the last word on everything would be infinitely annoying; however, most of her back talk is not meant to be sassy or rude. Rather, my daughter truly believes that what she has to say is valuable, and she’ll stop … Continue reading

Do they have to eat EVERYTHING?

I picked up my daughter from drama/dance camp yesterday afternoon and as she complained about being hungry all the way home (the complaining got louder when we passed McDonalds), I decided to make dinner early. I took two huge chicken breasts (totaling about a pound) out of the refrigerator and painstakingly cut them into paper thin slivers. I seasoned the meat and sauteed it in olive oil, then made my daughter a nice sandwich on a hamburger roll that she topped with barbecue sauce. She asked for more when she was done and I gave her more meat, but said … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Common Questions

I thought I would take this time to answer some of the more common questions about babies, toddlers and preschoolers that I have been asked lately. Hopefully you will find answers to your questions here. If not, please ask away. I can be reached through the comments at the end of any of my blog posts, or through private messages. You may also see me hanging around the forums. I also want to mention that the forums are a great place to get all sorts of advice from other parents and experts. When can I give my baby water? Babies … Continue reading