Cleavage-Creating Swimsuits for Little Girls

I don’t know many 7-year-old’s that sport eye-popping cleavage… and that’s the way it should be… at least in my opinion. But, apparently, some swimsuit designers disagree. A couple months ago I took my 5-year-old daughter shopping for swimsuits in preparation for our annual trip to Hawaii. Since I don’t allow her to wear bikinis, we bypassed the two-piece designs all together, and made a beeline for the floral one-piece bathing suits. I grabbed the most conservatively cut 6xs I could find and off we went to check out. Mission accomplished. My daughter is the antithesis of a fashionista. If … Continue reading

How Much Did You Spend on Your Child’s Last Birthday Party?

I know it wasn’t more than $360,000. We can’t all roll like Daddy Diddy, but as parents we do want to make our children happy, and celebrating a milestone like a birthday with a big party, often means digging deep. But how deep do you dig? My five-year-old is dreaming of a huge bash to commemorate her sixth year of life (which thankfully doesn’t happen for a few more months). She has been begging for a safari-themed party at our local children’s museum. For three hours, up to 20 kids can dine on lion-shaped cake, make toilet paper roll binoculars, … Continue reading

Does Your Son Have Long Hair?

Despite being born and raised in Hawaii, I’ve never been into long surfer stud locks. I’ve never thought Fabio’s flowing mane was the least bit attractive, and I think boys with Cousin It bangs and hippie braids that cascade down their backs should be recruited for one of Oprah’s makeover shows. But, that’s just me. I come from the school of two dos for boys: Buzz or bowl cuts. Now, before the hate mail starts rolling in, let me be perfectly clear—-I don’t care how long your son’s hair is, I’m just saying that I would strongly discourage my male … Continue reading

Why You Should Wash Your Kids’ New Clothes

My 5-year-old daughter is notorious for telling my mom not to get her new clothes as gifts. “Clothes don’t count, grandma,” she bluntly reminds my mom when asked what she wants for a special occasion. Well, apparently, our other relatives didn’t get the memo because my daughter received a boatload of new outfits for Christmas (along with a ton of other requested playthings). And when I say “boatload,” I’m not exaggerating. Seriously, my kid scored enough clothes to easily fill a regulation size double scull. Her pile of new apparel was so large it wouldn’t fit into her hamper or … Continue reading

The Power of Pink: Are You Raising a Princess?

My young daughter loathes princesses with a passion. While her friends’ rooms are bedecked in pink princess paraphernalia, my preschooler has chosen to decorate her space with a decidedly more daring dinosaur and dog motif. Which is not to say that I didn’t encourage her to embrace all things pink. When friends and family found out that I had given birth to a baby girl, pinky princess products arrived by the boxfuls. Bottles, bibs, blankets, crib sheets, onesies, pillows—-all sporting different shades of pink and baring words, such as “Her Highness,” “I am the Princess,” “Lil’ Princess,” or “It’s Not … Continue reading

Are You Going to Wear That?

(cc)image by SuziJane/flickr Remember when your kid’s style was a reflection of your own style? It’s amazing how a perfectly neat well put together elementary aged child, turns into a teen whose since of style either becomes bizarre, or slovenly. I have a bit of both on my hands. The boy used to dress like a miniature man. If Dad wore it, then he wanted one. He requested ties, khaki’s and dress shirts when we went shopping. He preferred shoes over sneakers and sandals. Now he just wants to be covered. As long as nothing important is showing, he could … Continue reading

Does Your Child Suffer From Rapunzel Syndrome?

Remind me to give my daughter an extra hug today. My free-spirited little munchkin, who has forsaken all things princess for stuffed lions, tigers and bears, could care less about her hair and nails. In fact, being bald would probably suit her just fine, given that it would allow her extra time in the morning to play with her dinosaur collection. A girly-girl she is not. However, there are many other young girls, who are quite the opposite. They love to play with their long, luxurious locks. They take pride in grooming their manes, and wouldn’t have it any other … Continue reading

How Much Are You Planning to Spend on Your Kids this Holiday Season?

Recession? What recession? Seriously, I often wonder how much the media has skewed our view on the nation’s economic situation. Every headline, every news ticker, every “top story” has to do with how poor our country’s financial situation is, and how things are only going to get worse before they get better. While news anchors are reading stories about record unemployment, mounting foreclosures, no money here, less money there, my friend’s 10-year-old daughter is heading to the spa. No kidding. Young Keera scored an invitation to yet another birthday party, this time at a local spa that caters to tweens. … Continue reading

Halloween, the Economy and Your Family

Oprah Winfrey just devoted an entire show to the best money lessons you can teach your kids in these troubling economic times. The show featured tips on how to tell overindulged children that the spending needs to stop—-NOW. Financial guru Suze “tell-it-like-it-is” Orman was back scolding Oprah’s chosen families about how their reckless spending helped drive our economy straight into the dumpster. Though, as I watched the program I wondered how much of Orman’s advice was falling on deaf ears. After all, while Orman was chastising parents for overindulging their kids, the National Retail Federation was releasing information they gathered … Continue reading

Do Your Teens Still Go Trick-or-Treating?

Exactly how old is too old to be wandering around a neighborhood dressed as a werewolf, ringing doorbells in an effort to score mountains of free candy? Some parents believe that you are never too old to celebrate Halloween… my mom being a prime example. She could care less if a horde of teens pulls into her driveway (in a vehicle driven by one of the masked hooligans) and stumbles up her walkway while pulling on the one and only item that resembles anything close to an actual costume (in some cases a Freddy Krueger mask paired with the same … Continue reading