Are Your Kids Bracelets a Code for Sex?

This is a teen fad that has been spreading for some time now and has gotten to the point where schools area beginning to ban it. In England they are called Shag Bands. In the United States they are innocently called jelly bands, but the kids in England have named it more appropriately. These thin rubber/plastic bracelets have actually been around for quite some time and were made popular by Madonna. I remember wearing them myself, putting on a few to match whatever I was wearing and going about my own business. These days, kids need to watch what color … Continue reading

Why I Keep My Teens on a Short Leash

After reading No Free-Range Kids for Me? by Mary Ann Romans, I have to agree wholeheartedly. The idea of having free range kids is well, just a little nutty from me and coming from one of those crazy homeschoolers, that’s saying alot. In our entire neighborhood, we have one “free range” child, and I have been tempted to call child protection several times. I have seen him wandering both in and out of the subdivision in all types of weather, and there have been times that he came to my house for shelter as his mother locked him out of … Continue reading

Never Set Limitations

Michele Cheplic another blogger in Parenting Advice asks Would You Let Your Teen Run for Governor? She says she wouldn’t… but I would. When I talk about never setting limitations on teens, I do not mean not setting limits. There is a big difference. To set limits is to make rules, restrictions, and guidelines for their safety and based on their maturity level. Setting limitations, to me, means limiting the expectations of what you expect from them and what they can expect from themselves. My parents unintentionally set limitations on me as a teen. I had a love for drawing … Continue reading