Are Your Kids Enrolled in Risky Activities

One could argue that it’s risky for a child to cross a busy street on his way to school each day, but I’m sure you wouldn’t keep your kid home from class just because you were afraid that he might get run over in the process. Likewise, when it comes to kids and extra-curricular activities, most parents examine the risks of each prior to allowing their child to sign-up. That said there are safer classes to enroll your young child in than say, alligator wrestling. Or riding angry bulls. Just ask Richard Wayde Hamar’s parents. Sadly, the 12-year-old’s mom and … Continue reading

Balance Bike for Toddlers

When my husband and I started dating he took me to a supercross race in Anaheim. I knew about motocross, but hadn’t watched a race before. Motorcycles really weren’t my thing. I was excited about spending the night with him, but would have liked to bring a book along with me. I was not prepared for how much fun we were going to have. Being in the stadium with all the people was a blast. I don’t enjoy sports, so I hadn’t been to many games. I’d been to a number of stadium concerts and was a regular theater-goer. The … Continue reading