What If We All Showed Love for God and Neighbor?

Another question that was posed in our relief society lesson on Sunday that really stuck with me was, “What would the world be like if everyone showed love for God and Neighbor?” One mom raised her hand and said something along the lines of, “I would not live in fear anymore. I wouldn’t be scared to drop my kids off at school everyday. There would be no fear.” As I sat there thinking about that, I couldn’t help but think, “What would MY life be like without fear?” It was an interesting thought. As a parent, we can’t help but … Continue reading

Learning Marriage from Your Parents

I was raised with somewhat progressive views on marriage.  It feels strange to even be typing that, and it’s certainly nothing I ever thought growing up.  I know that on the overall spectrum of views on marriage, the ideals with which I was raised would only be in the middle, and probably closer to the conservative side of the middle.  But it’s still so surprising to me how many people aren’t even that far. I’ve already shared my story about my college roommate.   The reason she and her boyfriend didn’t talk for years about division of labor in the household, … Continue reading

Parenting When You Just Don’t Feel Well

I got very little sleep last night, and the sleep that I did get was less than restful. My little Logan had a rough night. He was restless and woke up in tears. I’m still not sure exactly what was bothering him, but he clearly wasn’t feeling very well. I tended to him throughout the night, but his restlessness in turn became my restlessness which made for a bit of a long night in the Mommy department. I woke up exhausted with the beginnings of a migraine and knew that it was going to be a very long day. I … Continue reading

Parenting Is Hard Work

Even though I have been a parent for a relatively short time, almost three years to be exact, I am acutely aware of just how tough of a job it is. When I had my first baby, I learned that it was not easy to keep up with his needs let alone take care of myself and my home. As Dylan grew so did his needs, and taking care of him became even more challenging. At the same time, despite the challenges of raising a toddler there are also many rewards. Things like watching him master new pieces of playground … Continue reading

Learning When to Zip It

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve spilled a lot about my kid on this blog. A. Lot. Perhaps too much. Whereas it may not seem like it, I really do filter the information I share with the world about my child. For every one thing I reveal here, there are hundreds of personal tidbits I would never dream of publicizing, and as my daughter gets older, I plan to zip it even more. Even if she becomes an Olympic gold medalist. Ahem. Especially, if she becomes an Olympic gold medalist. You have to wonder if swimming superstar Ryan … Continue reading

Does Money Make You a Better Parent?

When you become a single parent you quickly learn that there is never enough money. Your kids learn this lesson too, much earlier than you want them too. It’s hard for your kids not to have the things everyone else has, it’s also hard when you are the one who always has to tell them no. Many studies that are done on single parents focus on income as a reason children from single parent households struggle. This may be true, but not having everything handed to you and learning the value of hard work gives our children life skills they … Continue reading

Learning to Say No

Saying that little two letter word has always been a struggle for me. I don’t like to disappoint or upset people, as a result, I often find myself in situations that I really don’t have the time or the energy to be in. Now that I am divorced, I find myself doing the same thing with my ex-husband. My fear of conflict often causes me to give in to the inconvenience of the things he asks on a regular basis. “I have plans tonight, can I get him now instead?” Well, of course. “I got off work early and don’t … Continue reading

You Can’t Always Take Their Side

As a parent you are always your child’s biggest champion. You want the to succeed, to feel good about their accomplishments, to be proud of the work they do. But what about when they make a mistake, what do you do then? I’m not talking about typical kid things, being mean to a sibling, not cleaning their room, I’m talking about larger issues. Recently another single mother had a problem with her teenager. It seems she wasn’t getting along with some of the girls in school and they had all started doing mean things to each other. In these days … Continue reading

More Lessons on Learning to Listen

The other day I wrote about how I am still learning to listen. This is especially true in my relationship with my teen daughter. I referred to a book I am reading, “The 7 Desires of Every Heart.” One of the desires is to be heard, to be listened to. Once again something jumped off the page at me when I was reading further into the book. “Good listeners are those who don’t try and talk you out of your feelings.” Until I read that, I hadn’t recognized this as a problem for me. But I have been getting really … Continue reading

Learning to Listen

I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard my teenage daughter express in exasperation, “You never listen to me.” I am always flabbergasted and get defensive. How could she possibly say that I don’t listen? I am always here, always available. It wasn’t until I happened to start reading a book the same night we had the aforementioned exchange when I realized how right she was. I really don’t listen to her. The book is called “The Seven Desires of Every Heart” by Mark and Debra Laaser. The first chapter provides a summary of what the rest … Continue reading