A Brief Review of Things Said to Cause Autism

Scientists in Australia have developed a genetic test to predict autism spectrum disorder in children. This might sound like the “breakthrough” that some parents are looking for. Personally, I’ve heard so many different things that are said to be the cause of autism that I have grown jaded. Here is a quick round-up of a few of them. Let’s start with the most recent story. Scientists in Australia used United States data from more than 3,000 people who have autism in a recent study. The scientists identified 237 genetic markers and 146 genes and related cellular pathways. The scientists say … Continue reading

Another Study Finds Children of Older Fathers at Increased Risk of Autism

A new study shows that older fathers are more likely to transmit new DNA variations to their children than younger fathers are. The researchers report that this means that older fathers have a higher risk of having children who have an autism spectrum disorder. There have been several different studies that result in data that indicates that older fathers have a higher chance of having children who have autism than fathers who are younger do. Previous to these studies, it was presumed that the age of the mother was the significant factor in determining the risk of having a child … Continue reading

Children of Older Fathers Have Increased Risk of Autism

A new study finds that children who have older fathers are more likely to be diagnosed with autism, schizophrenia, and other neuropsychiatric or developmental disorders. Researchers found this by studying mice. The genomes of mice and humans are about 85% identical. The study was trying to discover why children who have older fathers are more likely to be diagnosed with autism, schizophrenia, and other disorders. Previous studies have connected autism with the age of the father. A study published in 2006 concluded that children who had fathers that were in their thirties when the child was conceived have a one … Continue reading

Another Look at the Autism and Juvenile Diabetes Connection

As most of my readers are aware, I have two sons with juvenile diabetes (type 1) and another son with autism. For many years, I believed that our family was somehow unlucky in the roulette-wheel of life. I couldn’t imagine these two conditions which seem so different could be linked. I Love Hearing From Parents! For me, one of the most rewarding things about blogging for Families.com has been the opportunity to receive personal emails from mothers and fathers in all parts of the USA, and even England, Germany, Russia, and Australia. I’ve been surprised at the number of responses … Continue reading

In the News: Older Fathers and Fertility

When we think of fertility issues we typically think of women as being the ones with the problem, especially older women. But what about older men? We hear a lot about men fathering kids in their sixties and beyond (Tyler’s father was 57 when I conceived). A resent study says that as men age they also have diminished fertility. In the study, 1,938 couples from 59 in vitro fertilization clinics in France were studied. The researchers found that for women between the age of 35 and 37 who were trying to have a baby with a man older than 40, … Continue reading