
After returning home from spending a week with my sister, brother-in-law, and new baby niece, my nesting instinct really kicked into high gear. I experienced the sudden need and urge to get our house in order. First came the laundry which probably amounted to three loads. Unfortunately our dryer is not working properly and it takes over two hours to dry a large load. Thus laundry became an all day affair. I folded the last load of laundry at eleven in the evening. The following day I decided to clean the main level of our house (living room, dining room, … Continue reading

Autumn and “Nesting”

I usually hear “nesting” as a term that applies just to pregnant, expecting moms—“nesting” used to explain that urge many expectant women feel to clean, organize and decorate their homes. I think, however, that we families (moms, dads, and kids too) feel compelled to nest at different times—not just while waiting for the birth of a baby. If spring is considered the time of year when we clean things up and air things out to move our lives outside, then I think that autumn is the time of year we snuggle in, snuggle up and nest… I am not as … Continue reading

A small pile of leaves

So… it’s Autumn. We moved to a less desert-like climate and, as a direct consequence of that action, we’re experiencing the glory of Autumn instead of just a colder “brownness.” As I type this our front door is open to allow the sound of leaves blowing in the wind, falling on the grass, and blowing down the street into our home (along with the cooler air). The sunlight flickers against the doorway as the leaves move in and out of its rays due to the wind. The whole effect is like that of a candle, but with daylight. It’s a … Continue reading

Things to Do on a Rainy Fall Day

I’m having one of those nesting sort of days. It is rainy and a bit colder outside. I’m still recovering from a nasty bout of bronchitis that snuck in with the weather change. Our youngest child, still at home, is particularly rambunctious, despite waking up with his own runny nose this morning. It is definitely a day for home comforts. One thing that makes me feel better on days like this is giving a little extra attention to our home to make it a nicer place to be. This might involve venturing into the scary recesses of my kids rooms … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: November 5 – 11

There are many different “rituals” families engage in throughout different seasons and occasions. For some of us, that first gust of chill wind in the fall brings on the nesting instinct. Mary Ann shared this with us in her Baking Day and Reaching Out to Nature articles. Don’t forget to check out the Home Blog archives for past autumn articles as well to see how other writers feed the need to nest. Or, check out past tips for preparing for the holidays and colder weather. I had to share my favorite ways to welcome cool weather too, and I’d like … Continue reading

How Do You Feed a House Full of Very Big People (at a Moment’s Notice?)

I anticipate that the bulging of my little townhouse won’t last forever, so I am trying to cherish and enjoy it. I imagine that the day will come when what now seems like a rather tight fit will seem huge and like “too much” space. These days, I never know whether I will be feeding myself popcorn and orange juice in front of an old movie, or a half-dozen starving, strapping teenagers! Yesterday evening, I walked into my house to find the living room literally stuffed with teenage boys—okay, there were only three of them but when you take into … Continue reading