End-of-the-School-Year Bliss

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Sing it with me. No more pencils, no more books, no more dragging kids out of bed, no more making lunches at 5 a.m., no more threatening children to finish their homework, no more last-minute scrambles to find missing socks and backpacks while the school bus sits at the end of the driveway… I’m done. Thank goodness, the end of the school year is just around the corner. Thankful. Thankful. Thankful. That’s me. While some parents are cursing the end of the academic year, I couldn’t be happier. In fact, I’m not … Continue reading

Getting the Routines Back in Order

Somewhere between the middle of September and the end of October, the morning and evening routines started to get out of whack. The kids bedtime tended to drift further and further into the evening, and the chaos in the morning started to increase. From tired melt downs to kids who forgot their homework folders or lunch, it was time to get things back into a routine and do it right away. Our family tends to be more on the creative side and less on the structured side. A house full of free spirits with no sense of time will ruin … Continue reading

Back-to-School Pains

I stand corrected. Perhaps, breakfast battles, lunch packing, backpack hunting and supply shopping aren’t the worst parts of back-to-school. I forgot about labeling. Today my daughter received a letter from her new teacher welcoming her to second grade, sharing a few anecdotes, and providing a list of all the fun that awaits once the new school year kicks off. At the bottom of the cheerful note was a reminder to parents about labeling school supplies prior to the first day of school. I forgot about the school’s policy which requires labeling every.single. item. that passes through the classroom door. Every … Continue reading

Let’s Get Ready For School

My 4-year-old has been in preschool for four months now, yet we still seem to have the same battle every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday when getting her ready for school. The stalling. The playing. The distraction. She can’t seem to focus on getting ready for school. I’ll have to admit that we probably all take a little too long to get going in the morning. So, that doesn’t help. I’ve managed to implement some rules like no TV until she is all ready for school. She has gotten used to that. But, we still fall into the same patterns of … Continue reading

More Super Sweet After School Treats

For kids, who started the new school year on Tuesday, today is reason to celebrate. Surviving nearly an entire week in class calls for some sweet treats. Chocolate, ice cream, marshmallows and pudding will surely bring a smile to your student’s face (that, and two days off until another school week begins). The following simple sweet recipes will help kick start your child’s weekend of fun: SMORES SHAKE Ingredients: 6 scoops vanilla ice cream 1/2 cup cold milk 1/4 cup chocolate syrup 1 graham cracker 1/4 cup mini marshmallows 1/2 chocolate bar, broken in pieces Whipped cream Directions: In a … Continue reading

Sweet After School Snacks

Most health experts recommend that you greet your children with an apple and a glass of milk when they return home from a long day at school. It’s a great suggestion, and frankly, my daughter would eat the nutritious snack without complaint. However, there is something to be said about indulging in a sweet treat after a long week at school. If you are looking for yummy ways to reward your son or daughter’s efforts in class this week, then consider making the following decadent desserts: OREO MUD PIE Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups Oreo cookies (about 15) 1/4 cup butter, … Continue reading

Creative Lunchbox Additions

Millions of students across the country headed back to class today. For many parents these first few weeks of September mark the honeymoon phase of the new school year, especially if you pack your child’s lunch everyday. In a few months your kids will likely be as tired of your home packed lunches as you are making them. To preserve your sanity and your children’s taste buds consider adding a bit of spice to your kids’ lunchboxes with the following international offerings: ITALIAN Kids love pizza, so why not pack your own by topping mini-bagels with tomato sauce, pepperoni and … Continue reading

Healthy Back-to-School Snacks Your Kids Will Actually Eat

If you are a health-conscious parent, then you face a daunting task this time of year. You could go all natural and fill your children’s lunch boxes exclusively with fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, but the likelihood that they would happily devour the healthy goods you packed for them is slim. Your other options include making your own tasty and nutritious snacks or packing “healthier” store-bought options, like the ones listed below: Snikiddy Chocolate Chippers Cookies: The sweet treats contain less sugar than other cookies on the market. They also come in portion-controlled packets, and kids who tested them high … Continue reading

Healthy Lunchbox Treats for Kids

Nothing says, “I miss you” like a double chocolate fudge brownie tucked into the corner of your child’s lunchbox. It’ll probably be eaten long before the healthy turkey sandwich you packed, but at least the sugar rush will help ease the pain of having to sit in class all day when it’s beach weather out. Fortunately, there are ways to include sweet snacks in your kid’s lunchbox without sending him into sugar overdrive. One of my daughter’s favorite “healthy” brownie recipes is listed below. While most brownie recipes call for a full cup of sugar, this particular recipe uses 2/3rds … Continue reading

Nutritious Back-to-School Treats

Healthy doesn’t have to mean horrible tasting. Of course, trying to explain to your 8-year-old why you are filling his lunchbox with carrots and celery sticks instead of chips and chocolate (for the 18th time in less than 24 hours) isn’t without its challenges. Instead of battling with your child over what’s inside his lunchbox, consider experimenting with nutritious snack options that taste great, such as: *Popcorn (pop your own – it’s cheaper and healthier) *Dried fruit *Trail Mix or GORP *Peanut butter or cheese crackers *Fruit muffins *Banana bread or carrot and nut cake *Granola bars *Pancakes made with … Continue reading