Be Aware of what is Motivating You in Every Interaction

Perhaps it is not always possible to tune in to what is motivating us in every interaction with our children, but I do think that if we can achieve some level of self-awareness: identifying our own emotions, knowing what our triggers are, figuring out what we are trying to make happen, etc. then we will be better able to communicate well and have genuine interactions with our children. Let’s break this down so that it makes sense: Say you walk in and find that your child has gotten into the kitchen cabinets while you were on a phone call to … Continue reading

Combining Different Parenting Techniques

No doubt that you, like most parents, have quite an arsenal of parenting tips and techniques. It does not seem to take long for the average parent to get quite a toolbox to access whenever something pops up with one of their children. Many of us don’t think of ways to shake things up, however, and we can become quite predictable. This can give our kids a better chance at figuring us out and getting a step ahead. Instead of always pulling out the same techniques and consequences for the same misdemeanors, how about mixing things up and combining techniques … Continue reading