Becoming a New Kind of Mother

I am on a new venture…to become a new kind of mother. There is this realization that has hit me. It is that I can’t mother like I always have. You see, mothering your children when they are young is very different than when they become teenagers. They easily (so to speak) cross over into their new stage but in some ways, I’m still stuck in my old ways. How I parented when my children were in grade school just doesn’t work anymore. I guess you can call me a slow learner. It’s not easy learning how to be a … Continue reading

Working From Home As An Option for New Parents

Sometimes, it can be difficult for expectant parents to think about what they will do about work once their baby arrives. The people that we often look to for advice about major life decisions, our parents, were becoming parents at a time when many families could manage their financial obligations with one income and it was quite common for mothers to stay home with their children. Times have changed significantly, and for many families the incomes of both parents are needed. For some families, both parents want to return to work after their baby is born, and once they return … Continue reading

Pregnant Mother Vindicated

Remember the pregnant Honolulu mom, who was accused of stealing a couple of sandwiches from a local Safeway last week? Nicole Leszczynski and her husband were thrown into jail and their toddler taken into custody by Child Welfare Services all because they allegedly forgot to pay for a couple of chicken salad snacks they ate before leaving the store. Well, hopefully the rest of Nicole’s pregnancy will be stress-free from here on out. The 28-year-old mom, who made national headlines with her sandwich story, has been vindicated. According to news reports, Safeway decided to calm the PR firestorm they got … Continue reading

Mommy Blog Bashers

Have you ever considered that you could be helping a struggling single mom of four young children make ends meet each time you click on a link that leads to her blog? Earlier this year Oprah Winfrey devoted an entire show to the “Secret Lives of Moms.” It featured an audience full of women drooling at the chance to discuss the joys and pitfalls associated with raising the next generation. A portion of the episode spoke to a “new” kind of motherhood, in which women no longer suffer in silence about negative parenting experiences, mistakes and lack of maternal instincts. … Continue reading

Becoming a Multi-Species Household

Hard to believe it’s been eighteen months since I moved cross country with the dogs! A lot has happened in the last year and a half, which I guess is what makes the time fly by so quickly. I’m at lease renewal time, and have been talking with some friends about possibly sharing an apartment (and cutting down cost of living for all involved). Great plan, right? There’s only one catch. My friends have cats. Lally has become quite the kitty hunter since we moved. She gets such a thrill out of flushing cats out of the bushes around the … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Working at Home with a Baby

Question: I know you have twins, can you tell me how it is to work at home with a baby? Is it easier or harder than going to work? I’m kind of chuckling as I’m writing this. Do you want to hear about the time that I had just finished a grant writing project and my baby puked all over it? The countless days when the twins cried and fussed and took turns needing to be held where I got nothing done? Or the number of days where I got to the computer to write and I was so tired … Continue reading

The Newest Spoiled “Baby”

We have not added a new infant person to our family, but my middle daughter did bring home an abandoned kitten a few weeks ago. He is an adorable little black and white tuxedo moppet and has gone from being small enough to fit in a coffee mug, to turning our entire household upside down with his kitten-ness. It has been interesting watching my teenagers spoil the new “baby” however… It has been a few years since we added a new animal member to our mix and this is the first one with my kids all being as old as … Continue reading

Olympic-Sized Sacrifice

No sooner did their children make international headlines as Olympic gold medalists than the parents of gymnast Gabby Douglas and swimming superstar Ryan Lochte’s parents garner worldwide attention themselves… but not the good kind. Leave it to to break the news that Douglas’ mother, Natalie Hawkins, was forced to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy just months before her 16-year-old daughter made the Olympic gymnastics team. According to court records, Hawkins has been granted time by a federal court to reorganize her finances and pay down the nearly $80,000 of debt she has accumulated since going on long-term medical disability … Continue reading

Make A Change For The Better

As a single mother I try to remember every day that I am the example Hailey sees most often. I try to live a life that I want her to emulate. I want to be kind, giving, loving and have no bad habits that have a negative effect on my life or my health. Maybe in my next life I’ll be able to give up chocolate and diet soda but in this one I’m struggling! We all have habits that we wish we didn’t and things we certainly don’t want our kids to pick up. Maybe you bite your nails … Continue reading

Worry, Control and Judging

What are the three things that can plaque a mother? It is worry, control and judging. And I would guess these are common issues for most mothers. It doesn’t matter what stage of life you are in, they can swoop in and overtake you. Why do we worry? Sometimes it is out of genuine concern. But other times our worry is based on a lack of trust or that everything won’t turn out exactly the way we think it should. Worry can keep us up at night. It has for me. It can consume you so much that you can’t … Continue reading