Can You Feel Yourself Growing and Changing as a Parent?

I often talk about how my kids and I have influenced and affected each other. I know that they have picked up things from me, but I have picked up things from them too. I wondered if other parents can actually feel this growth and evolution? Can you look at who you used to be and who you are now and FEEL the difference? There have been some pretty intense periods in my parenting career—times when I felt as though my skin was being stretched and my brain was imploding. I could literally feel myself being pushed and pulled into … Continue reading

Behavior Changes and Growth Spurts

In my personal experience as a parent, I learned over the years that my kids tended to act up and develop some behavior challenges right before or in the midst of a growth or development spurt. While I am not a medical profession or a child development expert, I just have my own experience as a parent to draw on and I do believe there is a correlation between changes in a child’s behaviors and developmental growth spurts. This was not something I realized when I was a new parent, it took getting a little experience under my belt and … Continue reading

If it’s Making You Crazy—Try Easing Up

I do not think it matters how sweet and angelic of a child you have, at some point, there are going to be behaviors and personality quirks that drive you crazy! Whether your cherubic baby develops into a picky eater or will wear nothing but shorts and rubber boots for his entire fourth year (I had one of those)—there are going to be things that come up and you are going to be tempted to battle and battle and battle. The only advice I can offer after two decades of parenting is that sometimes easing up is really the best … Continue reading

Your Child’s First Clique

Social development comes in bursts and spurts. Growth and changes tend to happen when you least expect it for your growing child and chances are that before you’re fully prepared for it, your child will be involved in his or her first social clique. Cliques are not inherently evil. As a matter of fact they can be either positive or negative, either a good a bad experience. As a parent, our job is to keep an eye on our child’s behavior and activities and nudge them in the direction of positive growth and development—even when it comes to social cliques. … Continue reading