Daycare More Expensive Than College?

I heard something pretty shocking the other day on the radio. The DJ was talking about how the price of daycare for an infant is now more expensive than a year’s tuition in a public college (such as a technical school). On average, parents can expect to shell out $18,000 a year in order to have their baby cared for on a full-time basis. I guess that makes me feel somewhat better since college is just around the corner for my oldest son. He will be attending a technical school that offers an aviation program. I know they say you … Continue reading

Botox Daughter Removed from Home by Social Services

So the other day I blogged about kids getting Botox and I mentioned the interview done with a mom who has been giving her 8-year-old daughter Botox injections. Since then, the child has been taken away by Social Services. Apparently complaints began pouring in, which resulted in an investigation and then a determination that the child should be removed from the home. Now I have a few thoughts on this. First, why would any mother take the chance and put herself out there in the public eye to brag about the act of giving her daughter Botox? You would certainly … Continue reading