Support for Single Adoptive Parents

How can single adoptive parents best find support? Sometimes they feel conspicuous at adoptive parent gatherings, since so many adoptive parents are couples. Other single parents may have trouble commiserating with the single adoptive parent, feeling that the adoptive parent chose to raise the child alone while many single parents were unexpectedly thrust into their situation. Single parent support groups may focus many of their discussions on dealing with ex-spouses and on financial and legal matters. Single parents create networks of support within their extended families and communities, and with other single and/or adoptive parents. These informal networks provide support … Continue reading

Finding Me Time as a Single Parent

Me time is a very difficult thing to come by as a parent, and as a single parent it could be almost non-existent. It is, however, a very important thing; one that you must work at to make sure you have. I think every parent would like to have several hours all alone at least once a week, but most of the time that’s not possible. Instead, what you can do is make sure you have at least some time for yourself every day. Even if you only get 15 minutes a day to yourself, that’s nearly 2 hours a … Continue reading

Book Review: God’s Promises For Mothers

Sometimes as moms we need a little spiritual guidance. I found this great little book for those times when I wonder if I’m doing the whole mama thing right. It’s called, God’s Promises for Mothers, compiled by Kay Wheeler. What’s great about this book is it does not matter if you’re Baptist, Catholic or Methodist; this book is for moms of all religious backgrounds. It’s one of those pocket-sized books that you can carry around with you. In the back of the book there are spaces for you to write in birthdays so that you don’t forget the special people … Continue reading