The Buck Stops Here

(That was then) I’ve shared a lot about my daughter on this blog: Ladies and gentlemen: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Heck, I could go through the entire alphabet twice with the number of anecdotes I’ve posted detailing the trials and tribulations of raising a child in the 21st century. My precious peanut was barely two years old when I started writing here. She’s seven now… going on 17. (This is now) I’ve rarely censored myself while serving up slices of our suburban life. I didn’t really need to. After all, I never saw the … Continue reading

Ten Reasons Why Your Period May Be Irregular

A late or skipped period is often cause for alarm. Am I pregnant? Is something else wrong with me? But you may not need to panic! The average woman has between eleven and thirteen periods per year — but that’s just an average. If your cycle is longer or shorter, that may be normal for you and you don’t need to worry! Here are some common causes for an irregular or skipped menstrual cycle: Pregnancy. Yep, it’s number one according to WebMD. If you think you might be pregnant, treat yourself as if you ARE pregnant until you get things … Continue reading

Single Parenting and Your Growing Child: It is Time for the Talk

Single parenting, oh the joys! Another job that we cannot pawn off on anyone else and that is “The Talk”. It helps if you are divorced in this case and the other parent is involved, but what if there is no other parent? Yes, I am afraid to tell you, you are it, again. Talking to your kids about growing up is probably one of the least favorite things that you will do as a parent. It is not too uncomfortable for the parent, but it is usually uncomfortable for the child. Because it is uncomfortable for them, we are … Continue reading