Oops, She Did It Again! Spears Is Mom of Two!

The cat is official out of the bag, after weeks of mere speculation, rumor and gossip. Britney Spears is pregnant with her second child. Yes, folks, you read that right. Another baby Spears is on its way. Spears announced her bun in the oven last night on The Late Show with David Letterman. Celebrity gossip rags have bounced this rumor around for weeks. What is more shocking than Spears’ impending desire to juggle two kids on her lap in the front seat of her car while speeding away from those adoring paparazzi? The fact that we care at all! Well, … Continue reading

What is a Scientology Wedding Ceremony?

Scientology often tops the news because many celebrities follow the tenets of L. Ron Hubbard’s religion. Celebrities make the news and thus Scientology is thrust front and center. Despite the constant appearance in a rash of recent news articles, few do more than speculate, comment or criticize the faith of the Scientologists without actually providing some explanation for what is being commented on. Tom Cruise is among one of the more notable Scientologists in the news of late and a recent report stated that Katie Holmes, his fiancé, is studying Scientology. They will be married in a Scientology wedding ceremony. … Continue reading

Profile of a Mom: Britney Spears

Name: Britney Spears Age: 24 Claim To Fame: Spears is, these days, famous just for being famous in addition to her pop singer-related fame. She makes headlines for her music but, most recently, she is in the news for all the celebrity gossip trinity: love, pregnancy and baby news. Mommy Moment: Spears made headlines as a Mommy when she was caught by the paparazzi sneaking away in her car with her infant son on her lap. Spears has made millions off a combination of her talent and her beautiful-bimbo persona. The press and its readers love any peek into the … Continue reading