Changing Pediatricians or Doctors

Maybe you have a fabulous pediatrician whom you love who is retiring, or you have changed health insurance plans and are being forced to change pediatricians, or your children have grown and you think a family doctor would be a better fit—there are myriad reasons why families need to change pediatricians or doctors—but that doesn’t make the process any less daunting. Here are some suggestions to help you through the process… First, don’t panic. You can take a little time to find someone you truly like and trust. Even if your insurance is changing and you’re feeling the pressure to … Continue reading


Scoliosis is plain and simply the abnormal curving of your spine. Instead of it being vertically in line it has a curve or curves that misalign the back. This curving occurs in more females than males and has been known to run in families although the reason as to why is not clear. This begins in childhood and if not corrected can worsen as an adult. Check-ups most be done at regular intervals to track any worsening of the condition. In minor cases this is all that will be needed, but more severe cases of scoliosis will require bracing, surgery … Continue reading

Mushy Food Makes Picky Eaters

The idea that you have to feed your baby pureed baby foods is a very cultural one. Here in America at least, many moms are told to start feeding solids (and by solids I mean that mushy stuff in a jar or rice cereal) around 4 to 6 months. Then we spoon feed them until they finish the jar or ‘eat a good meal.’ We fret if they don’t eat and we fret even more if they at a whole jar yesterday and only want two bites today. However, advice may be changing as UNICEF and others start to talk … Continue reading