Dads are Important, Too!

A few months ago, a book was released that emphasized the important role that dads have. It is possible that the book may have influenced some parents to take a moment and think about the importance of dads and whether society might need to update its idea of what dads can do. Let me begin by clearly stating that I think that both dads and moms are very important to their children. Each can have a very strong influence. Whether that influence is positive or negative depends largely on the individual choices each parent makes. A book called Do Fathers … Continue reading

Cthulhu AllSpark is not a Good Baby Name

How did you decide upon the perfect name for you son or daughter? Many parents choose names that have been handed down in their families from one generation to the next. Others pick names that are popular in the year the baby was born. One couple decided to break with tradition and ask “the internet” to select a name for their baby girl. Poor thing almost got named Cthulhu All-Spark! How did this very unique name get suggested? It didn’t come from either of her parents! Stephen McLaughlin, a software developer, decided to ask the Reddit community to suggest some … Continue reading

Trying to Connect With Your Child? Consider Sitting on the Floor

I know that many of us were taught that with little children (babies and preschoolers) we should get down “on their level” to interact with them. But, there is no reason this fine technique should go away as our children hit elementary age. I think that any time we can put ourselves in a more accessible physical position, it can open up the lines of connection and communication with our child. As example, I have found that when my teens are having a hard time, and they obviously need to talk to someone but are not warming to talking to … Continue reading

What Did You Expect Would Happen????

I am constantly amazed at the way my kids can use denial. Despite being warned and told the consequences of behavior they exhibit or choices they make, they still get quite surprised when things go down the way Mom predicted they might. I do admire their tenacity, however, as they insist upon doing things their way and expecting miraculous results. But, I still can’t help but ask them what they expected to happen differently? How did they not see the inevitable coming? Of course, when I stop to think about it, I have not completely grown out of this little … Continue reading

Help Kids See How Far They’ve Come

Growing up can be daunting, painful, and scary–in addition to being fun and joyous too. Kids get overwhelmed, stressed and feel stuck just like adults do. As parents, we can help our children when they hit bumpy times and are afraid of what is to come by helping them look back and see what they have already accomplished. Kids tend to be incredibly short-sided. It is just the nature of the developing child to be focused on what is in front of them. The past is gone and the future is sometimes imaginary and unattainable. This can be a great … Continue reading

Child Sized Vs. Full Sized–Which is Better?

In our family, we have the joke about the Easy Bake Oven. As background, we are a family where cooking and food preparation takes center stage. My kids have grown up in the kitchen and they are all three quite able to make an omelete or bake a cake and have been helping me out in their little aprons since they were toddlers. When my eldest daughter was elementary-school age, she so badly wanted an Easy Bake Oven and received one as a gift for Christmas from a grandparent. She used it once and when she saw how tiny the … Continue reading