Be a Model

‘Children need models not critics.’ These were the words I saw recently outside a school. They struck me as very true. Today we hear a lot from some older people about the younger generation and how they are not as well behaved, obedient, compliant, well mannered, or respectful as previous generations. Can I suggest that maybe there is a reason for that? It is far easier to criticize than it is to model a lifestyle. Instead of being critics maybe what is needed is modeling a positive loving marriage. What young people to see is cooperation, courtesy, kindness, respect for … Continue reading

Differences Between Mothers And Fathers

As a mother, I often catch myself telling my husband what to do with our baby. Of course, the decisions I make concerning parenting are the best possible choices, and he could only benefit from hearing my advice, right? Most women are born with a strong motherly instinct. To many of us, caring for children comes naturally. As youngsters, many girls gravitate toward playing with dolls, caring for stuffed animals, and preparing meals for toys. As young teenagers, many become interested in babysitting. As mothers, especially breastfeeding mothers, we are often the primary caregivers for our infants. There’s no doubt … Continue reading

Help For the Single Mother

The costs of raising our precious children are staggering. Over the years it has increased a great deal and this will only become more monumental in the years ahead. A two-income parent family is almost a necessity these days for most families. The two-parent family that has only one parent working outside the home is rare these days. You will usually find the other parent doing something anyway from home to contribute in some financial aspect when this is the case. You can then imagine how difficult it is to survive on one income as most single parents do. You … Continue reading

Why Did You Have a Baby?

Women have babies for lots of different reasons. Some women have wanted babies since they were quite young children themselves. Others have no interest at all in having children, but as time progresses they decide that they do want a child of their own. Some people deliberately choose to have a child and plan the birth accordingly. Others find themselves pregnant through a mistake or have a baby at a time that they haven’t quite planned. Some babies are wanted and others aren’t. I recently encountered a 39-year-old woman who told me the she was desperate to have a child. … Continue reading

Are You Taking Care of More Than Just Your Child?

While some of us may be single parents taking care of our children, others of us have parents, grandparents or other people for whom we have become responsible. When I think about how busy and overwhelming my life can be just taking care of three children, I have nothing but awe and respect for those who are taking care of others as a single parent too! Everything I write here about time management, self-care, and getting help goes double (or triple) for those who are sandwiched in between caring for children and caring for aging parents, grandparents, or someone with … Continue reading

Preparing Kids for Aging Grandparents

Aging is a fact of life, but, that doesn’t make it any less challenging. Sure, it is one of those main, major realities that we have to learn to face and deal with–but while we are wrestling with our own aging issues, as parents, we also have to help our children learn how to cope with aging. Watching as grandparents get older, and perhaps get ill and die can be one of the most traumatic pieces of childhood. Children who are able to have close, affectionate relationships with grandparents have enriched lives. But, the closer they are, the more painful … Continue reading

Child Abuse: A New Case and Two Updates

Fifty miles north of Houston, a 26 year old father has been arrested for causing very serious injuries to his four month old twins. The children had been separately taken to the hospital, both with hemorrhaging in their brains and eyes. On December 23, the female twin was brought to an area hospital by her mother. Later in the day, the father came to the same hospital with the twin brother. The parents do not live together. Police investigators believe that the assaults took place in the father’s home. Apparently, there is undisclosed evidence that the father injured the babies. … Continue reading