Organizing Your Closets

Some areas of the home are easier to ignore when it comes to a mess. Take for instance closets. You know the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” I recently decided to tackle the most disorganized and messy closet in my home, the linen closet. Here are the steps I took which I plan to do with my other closets. First, empty the entire closet. It is better to start with a clean slate. Otherwise you end up just moving things around. I made it a rule for myself that as I emptied things out, I wouldn’t decide … Continue reading

National Simplify Your Life Week

Guess what the first week of August is? It is “National Simplify Your Life Week.” How many of us could use some of that? Although this could apply to a variety of areas in our lives, I can’t help but think of how we could simplify things in our home. Everything from the clutter we collect to the chores that overwhelm us. I think sometimes we make things in life, including the keeping of our home, to be so much more complicated than is necessary. We can’t find things yet we do nothing about the fact that our closets are … Continue reading

Cleaning For Company

It’s time for holiday guests. As much as I would like my house to be spotless when my guests arrive I know that working full time makes a spotless house something of a fantasy. Instead I’ve learned to make it good enough. If you are having company that will sit in the living room and visit, is it really necessary to wipe down the refrigerator shelves? I think not. Here is my quickie list to get ready for company when I don’t have time to deep clean. *Shut the doors to all rooms and closets your guests will not see. … Continue reading

Cleaning Out The Closets

The change of seasons is a good reminder to clean and reorganize your closets. I always rotate clothes with the seasons, this gives me more room in the closet and allows me to see what I’ve really been wearing. First you need to pull everything out of your closet, not all at once, one thing at a time. Ask yourself these questions: 1. How often did I wear this? If the answer is less than twice in six months, it should go in a give a way bag. 2. Do I feel good when I wear this? If it makes … Continue reading

Spring Clean Your Scrapbook Space

Have you seen the viral video featuring the woman who lives in a 90-square-foot studio in Manhattan? Sure, it’s located across from Lincoln Center and a block from Central Park, but the place is smaller than most suburban bedroom closets. Lucky for her, she’s a professional organizer and her dad’s a bankruptcy attorney, so she knows how to make do with few things, and the items she does have are perfectly placed throughout the tiny apartment. Her story got me thinking about spring cleaning my scrapbook space. Sadly, my little scrapbooking nook is about the same size as the woman’s … Continue reading

Cleaning Out Your Closets

Changing of the seasons means more than just warm, sunny weather ahead. It means spring cleaning, including cleaning out the closets. Ugh. Depending on how big your family is this could take a great amount of time, so get moving. When sifting through the closets have your child nearby. You may need him or her to try things on. As you weed through each pair of pants, each shirt, each coat, the shoes and nighttime clothing decide which things may fit next year. Have a large storage container and box or garbage bag close at hand. If the clothing or … Continue reading

Overhaul Your Scrapbook Space

Part of my New Year’s ritual is to purge my home of unwanted and unnecessary goods. I’m not big into New Year’s resolutions, but this annual pre-spring cleaning ceremony comes pretty close to the formal promises people make at the beginning of a new year. I take one room or fraction of a room at a time. The process takes a few weeks, but by the time I am done my home is much more organized. Currently, I am working on overhauling my scrapbooking space. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to organize your space. After … Continue reading

The Gift of Professional Cleaning

Forget the Dyson; I now have a new Christmas wish gift-—a maid. My BFF got the best Christmas present yesterday: six months’ worth of professional housecleaning services. She is entitled to five regular cleanings and one heavy seasonal cleaning, which includes: Dusting corners, ceilings, and walls, including photo frames and artwork Cleaning windows, window screens, and window treatments Scrubbing interiors and exteriors of kitchen cupboards and drawers Cleaning ceiling fans, light fixtures, and vents Cleaning the oven, microwave, and dishwasher Shampooing rugs, carpets, and upholstery Talk about the gift that keeps on giving. I have never dreamed of asking for … Continue reading

Fall Closet Cleaning

I love cleaning closets. I just hate how long it takes. Last week I spent five hours cleaning out my young daughter’s closet. Granted, I hadn’t been in there to thoroughly clean and organize since late spring when I packed away her winter gear and got out her summer outfits. Still, five hours was much longer than I had anticipated the job would take, and it gave me incentive to tackle the chore on a regular basis rather than reserve it for fall and spring only. There are many advantages to cleaning and organizing a closet regularly. For starters, it … Continue reading

Cleaning Starts with Decluttering

Sabrina Soto is the queen of decluttering. Seriously, every time I watch the HGTV star work her magic on “Get It Sold” or “Real Estate Intervention,” I want to purge my home of all its contents, save for the couch, the beds and a tiny desk and chair set. According to Soto, clutter is a bad thing. If you’ve ever seen the TLC show “Hoarding: Buried Alive,” then you know she’s got a point. Excessive TV references aside, experts say clutter is a sign of bad habits: lack of organization, overspending, and attachment issues, just to name a few. Fortunately, … Continue reading