Competing With Reality Television

Now, I don’t want to seem like a crabby snob—I confess that I have been tempted by certain reality television programs and have snuck a peak or two in my weak moments. There are a few programs that I’d have to confess are somewhat of a guilty pleasure. BUT, as a parent, I think that reality television has taken misrepresenting the “real world” for our kids to new heights. Where we used to have sitcoms and dramas and soap operas like “Dallas” to try to convince kids that this is how the real world lived, at least a parent could … Continue reading

Disney Patents Virtual Cake Toppers

As Disney has been experimenting more and more with augmented reality, I’ve tried to imagine scenarios in which the company could put it to use. My focus has always been on the Disney Parks, on how it could allow guests to further interact with exhibits. Apparently, Walt Disney Co. itself has been focusing more on how they can augment our food. Technology website Gizmag details a recently filed patent by the Disney Company, one that covers the use of augmented reality for cakes. That’s right, cakes. Gizmag says that most of what’s on the patent is still theoretical, but it … Continue reading

Interview with “The Sing-Off” Contestants, Vocal Point, Part Two

I’m having fun today interviewing three members of Vocal Point, the talented a capella group competing on television’s “The Sing-Off.” This group is easily our favorite as we gather around to watch as a family. You can read part one of my interview here. What does singing mean to you, and why did you choose to perform with an a capella group rather than a more traditional band? Keith Evans answered, “I started singing when I was three, and have always loved the emotional outlet it provides. Music truly can communicate concepts, feelings and ideas in ways the spoken word … Continue reading

Totally Over “Toddlers and Tiaras”

Enough with the bashing of the abomination that is Toddlers and Tiaras. The hit TLC reality show, which features young girls competing in beauty and glitz pageants, has been making headlines again since the airing of recent episodes that clearly illustrate that the some parents don’t utilize the portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that is enclosed within their cranium. Translation: Dumb parents making lame-brain decisions equal big ratings and major media attention. Then again, what do you expect when you dress up your three-year-old as Julia Roberts’ prostitute character from Pretty Woman or force your four-year-old to strap … Continue reading

Could “Who Do You Think You Are?” Win an Emmy?

An Emmy is an award given by The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences to shows that have made outstanding achievements in television. Last year, the popular genealogy show “Who Do You Think You Are?” was nominated, but did not win. Could it win this time? The show “Who Do You Think You Are?” is a genealogy series that can be found on NBC. Each episode focuses on an individual celebrity and his or her family tree. Viewers can follow along as the celebrity visits locations around the world where one of their ancestor’s lived, worked, or had been at. … Continue reading

From The Real World to Congress

I used to be a devoted fan of MTV’s “The Real World.” I missed season one, got addicted during season two then devotedly watched seasons 3 through season 15. After that, I only sporadically watched (of course, I didn’t miss season 20 – Hollywood!). It seemed the show became less about the real world and more about kids who had grown up with the show acting like they thought the viewing audience expected them to act. Over the years, some of the people on “The Real World” have turned their 15 minutes into a longer pop culture run. For example, … Continue reading

Singing Sisters Battle Cystic Fibrosis and Inspire Millions

I’m not one for watching reality television. I remember the first season of The Real World and that’s about it. I don’t like watching people make fools of themselves and dislike even more, the insulting and heartbreaking comments that spew out of judges on competition shows like American Idol. This year was different for me though. While I didn’t watch the opening rounds of America’s Got Talent, I did tune in when I heard about Christina and Ali, two sisters who were competing on the show and who both battle cystic fibrosis. My daughter has cystic fibrosis, so the issue … Continue reading

Are You Ready For “Pig Brother”?

If you’re a fan of reality television, you’re probably familiar with Big Brother — the show where strangers are put in a house together for the world to watch. Cameras capture every move as one by one, the contestants are voted out of the house. In preparation for the third annual Speck-Spektakel in Helfenberg, Austria, the town is hosting their own version of Big Brother — featuring four piglets. “Pig Brother” stars Piggy, Lilly, Pauli, and Fredi competing for the title of Super Pig at Helfenberg’s Speck-Spektakel (Bacon Trade Fair). Between now and the June festival, you can watch the … Continue reading

Learning to Sing: hearing the music in your life – Clay Aiken

I admit it freely – I’m a huge American Idol fan. I didn’t watch it the first year, but the second year, when Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken were vying for the title, I was a religious watcher. There was just something about Clay that made me genuinely like him. I was disappointed when he didn’t win, but knowing that he’s been tremendously successful helped me to get over it. “Learning to Sing” is Clay’s story, told in his own words. Surprisingly, it’s not a blow-by-blow of everything that happened at American Idol; that chapter of his life only takes … Continue reading

How Do You Teach Frugality to the MTV Generation?

It was one of those rare moments that I was home-alone and bored. I was flipping through the TV stations hoping I would find a repeat of Nanny 911 or a new episode of American Idol. As I flipped through the stations I paused on what looked like a new reality TV show. I was horrified as I watched a teenage girl beg her dad for a brand new BMW convertible. “But Daddy…I waaaaaant it”….she pleaded. My jaw dropped. The father actually looked like he was considering it. He used the classic “we’ll see” response that normal parents use when … Continue reading