Are You Speaking the Same Language?

When my husband was in high school, he discovered that he has a knack for learning foreign languages. Since that time, he has learned six, and is currently working on Italian. He reads books from different countries all the time, sometimes forgetting that English is his native tongue. Some of those other languages are constructed very differently from English, and there are times when this wreaks havoc with our communication as a married couple. Some of these languages don’t use connecting phrases. This makes things quite interesting when it comes to understanding what he’s saying to me. For instance, yesterday … Continue reading

The Problem With Over Confidence

Confidence in our abilities can be an asset. As Peter discovered, over-confidence can cause problems if we are not careful. When we look at John 13:31-38 as Jesus prepared for his coming death and shared the last supper with his disciples, we see God glorified through Jesus’ life, verses 31-32. Is God glorified by our lives? Or do we bring God’s name into disrepute by our behavior and words? Jesus would only be with his disciples a short time longer, verse 33. But since His death, resurrection and ascension, He can be with us each day. Are we conscious that … Continue reading

Sunday Review: Hurt Feelings and Self-Confidence

I don’t know how your Sunday went, but mine was absolutely fabulous. I was touched to the quick by the talks in both Sacrament and Relief Society. Both left me feeling uplifted and with a desire to improve myself. If you have read my RS/EQ lesson preparation from last week, then you know that I have struggled with the issue of hurt feelings. I have prayerfully considered what steps I need to take to change, and have asked the Lord for a great deal of guidance. I don’t feel that I am a candidate for inactivity, but I know that … Continue reading

Never-Ending Advice

Remember when your kids were babies and everyone around you felt the need to give you parenting advice—even when you didn’t ask for it? Well, the unsolicited guidance doesn’t stop as your children get older. Case in point:  The other day my daughter and I were getting a bite to eat at a local family restaurant.  We frequent the eatery on a monthly basis because she loves the rotisserie chicken.  And by love I mean she’s so obsessed she will not order any other entrée.  Given her near religious devotion to the seasoned bird, I didn’t even bother to ask … Continue reading

Are You the Right Person?

Have you ever thought about whether or not you are the right person to have a home-based business? We have all heard the phrase, “The right person for the job.” Well that applies to those who work inside the home as well as outside. It may surprise you to learn that not everyone is cut out for working at home. Working from home requires a certain type of person. One of the ways you can know if you are the right person to work at home is if you are disciplined. It takes a great deal of it to make … Continue reading

Waivers from No Child Left Behind Raises Concerns

The Department of Education is allowing all 50 states to apply for a waiver from the No Child Left Behind Act. This law was created during the Bush administration. How will the waivers affect students who have special needs? The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB ) was created in 2001. The main purpose of this law was to make schools, and teachers, accountable for how well, (or how poorly), their students are learning. The criteria that is being used to determine which schools are doing well, and which are “failing”, comes from standardized testing. The scores that come from … Continue reading

Kinetic Books: Algebra 1

Format: Online Age: Any student ready for Algebra 1 Teacher Prep: Minimal Homeschool Method: Any Learning style: Works well with any learning style Quick Rating: Excellent Cost: $34.95 for singular user What is Kinetic Books? Kinetic Book is an interactive learning system composed on CD-Rom or through an internet connection. Unlike many internet products, Kinetic Books is comprehensive and complete replacing the textbook entirely. Benefits of Kinetic Books Algebra 1: Interactive format with instant feedback. Keeps track of student progress. Text shows the steps of each equation to ensure the student is working through the process. Correlates to national and … Continue reading

More New Words

Our son hasn’t always loved reading. When we first tried to read to him he wasn’t interested at all. He’d much rather nurse or sleep with mom. Later on his preference was to be able to hold something that made a noise when he moved it. After that his life was all about rolling around. This progressed to sitting and crawling and eventually standing. Pretty soon he was walking and running and doing all sorts of devious things (like removing books from bookshelves — not to read but to create a mess). As time continued on though he eventually came … Continue reading

The Wagon Thing

Earlier in the month I wrote about “training wheels” and reflected on the many smaller steps it takes to get to the large ones. The “milestone moments” we record in photographs, videos, journals (or blogs!) of our children’s accomplishments are often not as exact as we’d like to imagine them. The baby doesn’t just one day begin speaking in full sentences. Asking a question like “when did I start talking” of your parents is a difficult question to answer. Often the answer comes in years: “When you were two.” But what does that mean? It’s kind of vague, isn’t it? … Continue reading

Yoga at Any Age

The next time you brush off an invitation to attend a yoga class because you think you’re too old to twist your body into a pretzel, think about Bette Calman. The Australian yoga instructor is 83 years old and is able to contort her body into positions that people more than half her age would have difficulty executing. London’s Daily Mail recently featured the flexible grandma in a multi-page spread. And boy, can this lady spread her limbs. At an age when most people are retiring to their rocking chairs, Calman is bending over backwards, striking challenging “lotus” poses and … Continue reading