Stress and Anxiety Dreams

The brain is a wonderful, funny organ. It does so much for our bodies without any conscious effort! But sometimes, I wish it would find a different way to handle stress. When I’m really stressed, my dreams can get really weird. I have a few recurring dreams that pop up when the pressure’s on. The school dream. Usually, it’s the end of my senior year of high school and I realize that I’ve been skipping out on one class for the whole year. Maybe I’m scrambling to finish an extra credit project; maybe I’m so worried about other classes that … Continue reading

Daily Dream Discussions

We are a family who puts a lot of stock in our dreams. It is not like we are casting our fortunes or anything, but we do manage to connect on a daily basis with discussions about our dreams. When I think back, I’m sure I am partially (if not completely) to blame since I used to ask the children at breakfast if anyone had any good dreams the night before? Now, we just spill the beans on all of our kooky and interesting dreams and often look them up in our tattered dream book to see what they might … Continue reading

Interior Design As A Home-Based Business

Do you often daydream about rearranging the furniture in your home and adding decorative touches here and there to give your home an entirely new feeling? Are you one of those people that makes small adjustments to their home’s decor each season so that it always looks and feels up to date? Perhaps you always get compliments about your home’s décor whenever guests come to visit. These are just some of the things that could indicate that you have an innate sense of what good interior design looks like. Interior design is a career that lends itself well to working … Continue reading

A Marital Nightmare

As you might have surmised by now, I’m keen on dreams. (For examples, see “The Dream: How I Knew Wayne Was the One” and “Do You Ever Dream About Your Spouse’s Family?”.) Here I go again… The Recurring Nightmare It’s never the same dream twice, but the theme is always the same: Wayne leaves me. I hate these dreams. (Nightmares.) It’s not like he just up and leaves and says, “Thanks, it’s been fun, but I’m done with us.” Oh no. In my dreams he’s usually mean about it. There’s usually another woman and right in front of my face … Continue reading

A Simplified Look at Gluten-Free and/or Casein-Free Diets for Autistic Kids

If you start to delve into the massive amount of information available on dietary restrictions for your autistic child, you might initially be overwhelmed. How can you determine what should be eliminated from your child’s diet, and what shouldn’t? Or is diet even a factor you should be concerned with? All over the internet, you’ll find testimonials from parents who have eliminated one substance or another (or several) and observed marked improvement in their son or daughter’s behaviors. But are these parents only seeing what they want to see? Will dietary restrictions really help your child? It’s hard to know … Continue reading