Free Thanksgiving Apps for iPhone

Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away. If this is your favorite holiday, then you probably cannot wait to sit down to dinner with your family. It also means you will probably enjoy playing with some free Thanksgiving apps for iPhone. Check out some of these! The Gratitude Habit is “A Happiness Workshop from LiveBetterYou”. It is a free app that is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation), and iPad. It is a 3 day workshop that helps you find happiness, and live … Continue reading

Crunching Thanksgiving Numbers

If you add the hours it takes for a 16-pound thawed turkey to cook with the amount of minutes it takes four hungry teens to devour an entire pumpkin pie, and then subtract the number of times you have to walk over to the kids’ table to break up a fight during Thanksgiving dinner, what do you come up with? In our house you get some cool holiday-inspired math activities. Just because kids are out of school for Thanksgiving break doesn’t mean their brains shouldn’t be exercised. Turn Turkey Day into an educational opportunity by encouraging your children to partake … Continue reading

Unfortunate Inheritance

I stink at math. It’s no secret. In fact, I’ve long made a habit of prefacing conversations with, “I’m not good with numbers” or “Math was never my strong suit.” Unfortunately, it seems I’ve made those comments in front of my mini me enough that she’s begun repeating them. Even worse, she’s now using them as an excuse for her poor math scores. Like mother, like daughter… in a bad way. If there is a bright side to my mistake, it’s that I am cognizant of what I’ve done and I’m now working hard to remedy it. For starters, I … Continue reading