Comments About Supreme Court Decision on ACA

The Supreme Court revealed its much anticipated and long awaited decision about the Affordable Care Act today. No matter what your personal viewpoint of that happens to be, this is a noteworthy and historical event. Here is a quick roundup of comments made by various politicians about the decision. The Supreme Court unveiled its decisions about the Affordable Care Act today, June 28, 2012, at around 10:00 in the morning. Shortly after that, several politicians made public comments about their thoughts regarding that decision. House Speaker John Boehner, who is a Republican from Ohio, released this statement: “The president’s health … Continue reading

Making Difficult Decisions Through Prayer

Recently, I was faced with a difficult decision to make. Without going into too much detail, it was very personal, and involved one of my children. I needed the help of the Lord to make this decision. There were lots of emotions involved, and I kept questioning my feelings. It seemed hard to distinguish whether or not I was receiving revelation or just simple thoughts in my mind. I struggled with this issue for a few months. It wasn’t until I had a fleeting thought, and pondered on it that I realized that the Spirit was trying to whisper something … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – April 1-7, 2012

The Insurance Blog Week in Review brings you a quick and easy way to “ketchup” on everything that hit the blog in the past week. There are always somewhere between 12 and 14 blogs that appear here, and it is easy to accidentally miss something that you wanted to read. What did you miss this week? What Do Insurance Brokers Do? This blog will clear up any confusion you might have about what insurance brokers do, how they get paid, and how they are connected to insurance companies. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on April 2, 2012. This week, … Continue reading

Making Those Big Decisions

While there are definitely a lot of differences between my husband and I, there are also some similarities that can be viewed as good or bad. For instance, we are both very quick to jump into things. This is why we have learned (the hard way) to never, ever walk into a pet store “just to look.” At this time we have three dogs, one cat, a turtle, a bird, two bearded dragons and some fish. Need I say more? We have also owned mice and rats. But it’s not just pets that we are quick to jump into. We … Continue reading

Get Out of Debt Support

Getting out of debt can be an exciting journey and a worthwhile goal. Just imagine how free you will feel when you owe nothing and can basically live however you want to live. You’ll be able to keep all of that money that you current spend on interest on your debt and apply it to where you want it to go. When you first start down the path of getting out of debt, you’ll want to make sure that you have some support systems in place. Not only will these support systems help you to stay motivated and to stay … Continue reading

How to Make Better Financial Decisions

There are many popular New Year’s resolutions that people make regarding money. You may have decided that 2012 will be the year that you earn more, spend less, start saving for retirement, pay down your debt, or any number of other things. There is one very general resolution that does not sound very grand or exciting which can help you to take many different kinds of steps forward in the personal finance department. Have you considered “make better financial choices” your money resolution for next year? You may or may not have heard the old saying “if you do what … Continue reading

Step Parents

When you get divorced the last thing on your mind is getting married again. You feel overwhelmed, even if your ex husband didn’t help very much with the kids at least he helped sometimes, now you are on your own. You may find at first that you want to date, I think we all feel like undesirable failures when our marriage ends so we date, if only to show ourselves that someone still wants to date us. Initially there is nothing serious about the dating you do. For me, in the beginning, dating was a way to fill the hours … Continue reading

11/22/63 by Stephen King

Stephen King in my favorite author so it goes without saying that if he has written something new, I’m going to be one of the first to read it. My daughter bought me this book as an early Christmas present and I have to say I was a little hesitant to read it. As much as I love Stephen King, his last few books have not really excited me, they felt wordy and overlong. I’m happy to say 11/22/63 changed all that. This book is an incredible piece of storytelling. It actually made me believe in time travel and not … Continue reading

What Are Your Parenting Decisions Based On?

I was recently thinking about a couple of decisions that my husband and I had to make concerning two of our children. In one situation the decision was favorable for that child but for the other it wasn’t. They were two entirely different circumstances but it got me thinking about the motivation behind the decisions we make as parents. Have you ever really thought about what motivates you to make a decision? Sometimes you are motivated by your mood at the moment. If you are in a bad mood, you might be quick to make a decision that you wouldn’t … Continue reading

It’s Out of My Hands

So this week my 17-year-old son is in Haiti on a construction project. The first couple of days were extremely difficult for me. I didn’t sleep much, cried a little and thought about him constantly. As each day passes, it gets a little better. It’s also encouraging to know that as each day goes by, it also means getting closer to his return. And I am incredibly grateful for technology. While our phone service doesn’t allow for him to call or text, he is able to text us through his iPod. The house he is staying in has Wi-Fi and … Continue reading