How a Positive Attitude Affects Your Relationship

Since October is Positive Attitude Month, I thought it’d be a good time to reflect on our attitudes and how they affect our marriages. Because they definitely have an impact. Mirror Effect In our household we live by the “you get what you give” motto. It’s basically the same principal as the Golden Rule: treat me how you expect me to treat you back. I’m currently reading The Secret in which this principle is emphasized time and again. I first came to know of it, though, in a different manner (what you think upon grows) courtesy of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s … Continue reading

On the Blind Side

Some people say the recently released movie “The Blind Side” has inspired them and will inspire others to reach out to youth, through adoption, foster parenting or another mentoring relationship. Others question whether it is a good picture of adoption. Perhaps it is not realistic enough, some say. Perhaps it plays into the “rescue” stereotypes—black boy from “broken home” taken into a “good Christian home” by wealthy white couple. “The Blind Side” is the story of pro football player Michael Oher, who was a first-round draft pick for the Baltimore Ravens, and of the Tuohys, a Memphis couple who invited … Continue reading

Evaluating Your Stress Level

Life isn’t always smooth sailing. Periodic stress is a normal part of life! However, stress that goes on for a long time (chronic stress) should not be a normal part of life. Every person handles stress differently. What I find stressful and what you find stressful may be two very different scenarios! Perception is a big part of how stressed you feel. One person may look at all the things you do in a day and think they would be stressed — yet you aren’t. But because stress is so very personal, it may be hard to evaluate your stress … Continue reading

Enjoy Being an Individual

One of the great things that happens on a personal level when we embark on operating our own home business is that we move away from the pack–we start to live a more individualized life and stand out on our own. This can be scary, of course, and feel incredibly foreign if we are used to working a traditional job and being “ordinary.” But, I do think we can celebrate this unique path and learn how to enjoy being an individual doing things our way! There are going to be those who think your independence and home business endeavors are … Continue reading

Careless Words

Our words and our actions reveal who we are. No where is this more true than with family. With family we tend to let our guard down. With family we often behave in a way we would not with other people. This is often because we know family will love us no matter what we say or do. And so it is easy to slip into an attitude of spilling out exactly how we feel when we are angry or hurt or upset. Yes, I’m talking from experience here. God showed me only this week that I still have to … Continue reading

Taking God For Granted

A common problem in many relationships at time is that of taking the other person for granted. You can even carry this into your relationship with the Lord. Are You taking God for granted? Being thankful is a solution to this. In 2 Kings 5 we read that Naaman heard about the prophet in Israel. According to the slave girl, who was maid to Naaman’s wife, this prophet could heal even leprosy. Naaman thought he could purchase healing and so sent gifts to the king of Israel who decided he was trying to pick a quarrel with him. Elisha heard … Continue reading

Seeing Life Through the Eyes of a Child

Kids have a way of turning everything into an adventure. Parents can actually cut down on a lot of stress and frustration by adopting this way of looking at the world. As we finish our first week back in New Orleans I’m happy to be home, happy that the work is progressing but frustrated that I am still not in my house. On the other hand, Tyler views our stay at the hotel as an adventure. Sort of like an extended vacation, only at home. After all, he does not have to make his bed. He leaves it unmade in … Continue reading

Help Kids See How Far They’ve Come

Growing up can be daunting, painful, and scary–in addition to being fun and joyous too. Kids get overwhelmed, stressed and feel stuck just like adults do. As parents, we can help our children when they hit bumpy times and are afraid of what is to come by helping them look back and see what they have already accomplished. Kids tend to be incredibly short-sided. It is just the nature of the developing child to be focused on what is in front of them. The past is gone and the future is sometimes imaginary and unattainable. This can be a great … Continue reading

What Excites You About Your Home Business?

Want to stay motivated? Then, it helps to tap into the elements of your home business that get you excited, turned on, and really get your creative juices flowing! Instead of getting up every morning and focusing on your to-do list and what HAS to be done, remind yourself what it is that really gets you excited and you’ll infuse your home business with positive energy. Are you feeling so bogged down by “have-to-dos” that you cannot figure out what gets you excited? It might help to go back to some of your notes or take an afternoon to try … Continue reading

Be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to yourself is not the same as being self-indulgent. Being accepting of yourself and your flaws is not the same as being lazy and unwilling to make healthy changes. Self kindness is: Recognizing things you do that are harmful to yourself and stopping them. Defending yourself against negative thoughts, words, and actions from within. Defending yourself against negative thoughts, words, and actions from others. Being honest about your flaws and outstanding qualities. Asking for help when you need it. Resting when you need it. Believing in yourself. Choosing to make changes in your life. Self kindness is not: … Continue reading