D is for Discipline

A wise parent once told me that the primary purpose of discipline is to teach a lesson. Of course, some kids take longer to learn lessons than others. Consequently, if you are looking for instant results, you may be in for a frustrating haul. A series of recent events had me revisiting the discipline talk I had with said wise parent. My 8-year-old is killing me with her lies. Granted, most of the untruths she tells are minor, but at times her condition seems pathological. After brushing it off for a while, I decided that disciplining her was my only … Continue reading

Are You Tired of Playing Referee?

Do you look good in stripes? Most women shun wearing clothing covered with unattractive lines, yet when they have kids it seems they are forced to don the referee uniform more than they would like. After a while, though, some refuse the task and leave it up to their warring offspring to solve their own disputes. How often do you allow your children to resolve their own clashes? Moreover, how often does the technique work? Personally, I am not opposed to having children resolve issues amongst themselves. However, I think you are kidding yourself if you think young children possess … Continue reading

Discipline: Playing the Guessing Game

One of the toughest challenges of parenting is disciplining kids. And as if knowing, when, where, and how much to dole out weren’t tough enough, there are times when you are also forced to figure out who is responsible when more than one child is involved in an altercation, so that you are disciplining the right kid. For example, say you are making dinner in the kitchen while your kids are “playing” in the basement. Suddenly, your peaceful salad-making routine is shattered by your son screaming, “Moooooooom, she pushed me into the TV!” This is immediately followed by your daughter … Continue reading

Making Sense Is Underrated

Why yes, please, my dear 2-year-old, go right ahead and play demolition derby with grandma’s glass figurines on that solid marble countertop.  It’s so much better than watching you have an epic meltdown because of my concern for your safety. When was the last time that choice was a viable option for a parent? You know that what you do for your children is for their own good.  Unfortunately, most kids could care less about the rules of parenthood.  In fact, the vast majority of what you do to ensure their well being makes absolutely no sense to them. They … Continue reading

Somewhere in the Strict Zone

Time outs don’t work with my kid. Sorry, Supernanny. I understand the method behind the discipline technique and follow the directives explicitly; unfortunately, sitting in a chair and allowing my child to simply think about her poor behavior doesn’t yield positive results. So, what’s a parent to do? Ramp up the punishment? I am by no means a permissive parent, but I’m not a super strict one either. I’m somewhere in the strict zone hoping not to tip the scales too far in either direction. However, I am more concerned about entering the overly strict zone. I don’t want to … Continue reading

Molding Future Adults

Amid the chaos of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture of parenting. Very easy. When you’re in the trenches dealing with your baby’s dirty diapers, your tween’s potty mouth and the host of other excrement that comes with raising children, it’s hard to focus on the fact that you are molding future adults. Well-adjusted, responsible, thoughtful, charitable, productive adults. That’s the goal. The challenge is looking beyond the moment. These moments. The times when it seems easier to give up, give in, or frankly, not give a damn, rather than digging deep to teach your … Continue reading

Preserving the Peace

Much like with marriage, to keep the peace between you and your children, it’s important to learn the fine art of picking battles.  The phrase may seem trite, but knowing how to correctly apply it to your family dynamic can make a huge difference in your quality of life. For example, my daughter struggled with sleep issues for a long time.  And by long time, I mean years… and years and years.  The kid would fight me at bedtime like a combat ninja.  The nightly battles were frustrating, exhausting and downright ugly.  It got so bad that I ended up … Continue reading

Praise And Your Toddler

It’s tough work, being a parent. It seems like every other day, I read something that lets me know that I am doing something incorrectly as far as how I have been parenting my little boy. That’s okay, though, I am open to new ideas and to learning which things make sense for me and my family and which ideas are best left to other people and their own families. Today, I read some interesting information about how praising children can do them more harm than good. Until about an hour ago, I was generously doling out praise to Dylan … Continue reading