Discovering What They Truly Love

One of the joys of being a parent for a long time and watching your child grow and change is that you get to watch as interests and passions develop. Some show up in early childhood and are consuming for a couple years, only to disappear. Others show up later and evolve into core pieces of the child’s personality. I think it is fascinating to watch as those sparks turn into lasting interests and, potentially turn into careers and jobs or life-long passions… Some kids seem to discover their interests and passions easily and early, while others stumble along. It … Continue reading

Helping From Behind the Scenes

As my children get older, the role I play is much more “support” than it is center stage. More and more, I find that my parenting is happening behind the scenes and sometimes, they are not even really aware that I am involved… This support role is not always easy for those parents who prefer to be stage front and center. If you have let your own self worth and self esteem get wrapped up in your child’s activities over the years, then when your role starts to change and/or diminish, it can be a bit traumatic. You might be … Continue reading

Romance a Day Keeps Divorce at Bay

One of the drawbacks to growing up is we forget how to have fun. Watch kids some time, they fight, sure. They argue and they yell and they may even share recriminations. They want to be friends one day and they hate each other the next and then they are back in each other’s pockets the next day. They can make the simplest gestures mean the greatest things. They are genuinely pleased to see each other – there is true joy in their eyes when they greet. Learn From Our Children Let’s learn from our children and demonstrate for our … Continue reading

When it Comes to the In-Laws

I have been very fortunate and have expressed my gratitude over the years that I truly enjoy my in-laws. I liked when they came for visits and whether they came for a long weekend or a long three-week visit to Virginia – it was always a good time to be had. We often made plans to do things for special occasions when they were there like going to see museums in D.C. They came up every year for Christmas and the house would be packed to the gills with people, decorations and more. It was great to get up in … Continue reading

Music Sets the Mood

Ever had one of those days when can’t seem to get anything done? The kids are on edge and so are you? The tone of the household is just not the one you want for the day. One of the easiest ways to change the mood in your house is to put on some music. It is amazing the difference that this can make in my house. I am going to make some suggestions of music to change the mood of the house. When my kids have a lot of extra energy, and we can’t get outside to run it … Continue reading