Can Your Sibling Relations Influence Your Children’s?

Many of us come from families of origin where our relationships were less than stellar. In fact, this can be a motivating factor for some of us to try to build our own families where the communication is better; the relationships are stronger and more pleasant, and where our children love and get along with each other. If you come from a family where you do not get along with your siblings, you might be wondering how you can do something different with your own children. Will your sibling relations influence the way your own children interact with each other? … Continue reading

Why Waste Time Hating?

How can feeling hateful be such a natural emotion and still be so bad for us? It is hard sometimes not to hate someone or hate a situation or something that has happened in our past, but the truth is, holding on to that hate only hurts us and is a waste of valuable time. Surely hate is not the sole challenge for a single parent, but holding on to hateful feelings and/or resentment can definitely keep us from moving on and being happy. If you have been through a painful and horrendous divorce, or have been hurt by an … Continue reading

Does Fighting Mean They Hate Each Other?

Sometimes siblings can fight in such a hard and mean way that a parent wonders if there is any love between them at all! When they are screaming about how much they hate each other and the fists are flying, you may start to believe they actually DO hate each other and worry that they will never be close or supportive. For parents of hard-fighting siblings, DO they really hate each other for good? Some of us may have our own history with siblings that we did not get along well with or may even be estranged from as adults. … Continue reading

Let There be Play!

I am on a lot of homeschooling lists. The question I hear most often is “I need ideas or curriculum suggestions for my 2 or 3 or 4 year old,” or something to that effect. Another popular one is “I homeschooled my kids for preschool and kindergarten. Now that we started first grade, they are fighting all the way.” This is usually followed by a quick explanation of the curriculum. They say for preschool and kindergarten it was mostly hands on and playing, now they are trying to “get serious.” Children love to play. There is no doubt about that … Continue reading

Friendly Persuasion (1956)

“Friendly Persuasion” stars Gary Cooper as Jess Birdwell, father of a Quaker family. He and his wife Eliza (Dorothy McGuire) have raised their children to adhere to all the Quaker beliefs – in fact, Eliza is a Quaker minister. They behave with decorum, they don’t fight, drink, or smoke, and they seek the Lord in everything they do. They are living a peaceful life until the outside world threatens everything they hold dear. The year is 1862, and the Civil War is drawing close to their Indiana home. Many men in the community have taken up arms to defend their … Continue reading

Creating Kids Who Want to Know

On one of my other posts in homeschooling this week, someone asked me how they can get their kids to do their own work. “The kids want me to tell them the answers to everything.” The problem here is that the kids do not feel the need to find out or know the answer to the question. So how exactly do you create kids that just have to find out the answer? Learning What They Want to Learn I’ve said numerous times before in other blogs that school is not the most efficient way to organize student learning. For those … Continue reading

When Baby Makes Three (Part I)

Many people believe they will “live happily ever after.” In reality, the changes that come with parenting can be dramatic and unexpected. We cannot anticipate how the shift from being a couple to being a family will affect us. But knowing that tension, fear, anger and sadness are as much a part of being a parent as joy and fulfillment reassures new parents during what could be a very confusing and lonely time in their lives. Trials and Tribulations Don and Kit, for example, found themselves pregnant in the very beginning of their relationship. The trials they experienced in the … Continue reading

Marriage & Love; Love & Marriage

Sometimes we forget that love and marriage both take work. When we are engaged to be married and planning our wedding ceremony, we think the sky is the limit. We know if we aim for the moon, even if we miss – we’ll still be among the stars. We understand, above all else, that we love each other. This is a thought that we need to remember, because that love can sustain us in the best of times and the worst of times. The following is a bit of a personal glimpse, but it was the best way I knew … Continue reading