Playing With Dolls

When I was a little girl I loved my dolls. I would make up elaborate scenarios for my babies and had the best time playing house and being mommy. I gave all my babies names and my mom made doll clothes for them. Many of them had stays at the doll hospital and I was anxious until their return. I would save my allowance and any other money that came my way so I could buy more dolls. I loved to brush their hair and even taught myself to French braid on a doll’s head. My toddler is obsessed with … Continue reading

Does Your Daughter Like Dolls?

My young daughter owns a Barbie. A single sneaker clad Barbie that sits untouched in the corner of our family room. The reason the iconic doll is even in our home is that she came with a trio of peeing and pooping puppies. My 5-year-old doll-loathing daughter happens to love dogs and went gaga when she discovered that she could get her hands on a bunch of potty training pups. The only problem: In order to get a family of urinating dogs, my daughter would have to (gulp!) buy an actual (gasp!) Barbie (gag!) doll. Barbie’s Potty Training Pups are … Continue reading

Five Cheap Art Materials You Never Expected To Use With Your Preschooler

My daughter is our resident craft expert. She is currently focused on creating conceptual sculptures. At the moment, her sculptures seem to revolve around the use of drinking straws and painter’s tape. I am not entirely sure what these sculptures mean, but I’m sure that it’s something far beyond my adult understanding. Now, it’s not like she doesn’t have a whole box of art supplies to choose from. In fact, she has several large boxes of art supplies. Preschoolers love to use unorthodox materials for their art, and it’s always interesting to see what my daughter chooses to create and … Continue reading

Make a Baby Sling for Your Toddler

I’m a lazy crafter, I have to admit. I really am. I work part time at a nature center where I do crafts with children. Having a child myself has really made me really how much art is about the process. It’s in this spirit that I present to you a few ideas for making a toy baby sling. If I can do it, anyone can! Why make a toy baby sling? Well, as your baby grows, she is going to want to haul her own dolls around. If you have children close together, as the first becomes a toddler, … Continue reading

First Mom Speaks Out about Obama Girl Dolls

Michelle Obama thinks her two daughters are dolls, but she doesn’t want the rest of the world to see them that way. In one of her first official moves, President Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle went public denouncing a popular toy maker for marketing dolls with the same names as her children, Malia and Sasha. Not only do the dolls share the same names as the young Obama offspring, but they also look remarkably similar to the first daughters as well. (See for yourself by clicking here.) The resemblance didn’t sit well with the new first lady, who took a swing … Continue reading

Will Your Child Be Adopting this Month?

Maybe I’m just a Scrooge about Black Friday. Usually I don’t even read the ads because I know I don’t want to deal with crowds. I’m firmly sold on online shopping. Last night I saw some ads, though, and was tempted—I didn’t know some things would be over sixty percent off! Maybe this gripe comes from my general dislike for shopping, but I’m a bit skeptical of dolls that come with adoption certificates. The idea of taking yhour child to a toy store, wandering the aisles, specifying the exact eye color you want and handing over your money in exchange … Continue reading

Your Disney Holiday Shopping List

Disney has released its list of the “Ten Most Wanted” gifts for kids this holiday season. The expected big sellers are those toys that are related to Disney Princesses, Little Einsteins, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and Cars. According to Jessica Dunne, executive Vice President of Global Toys for Disney Consumer Products: “Our hot holiday list is filled with great gift ideas that let kids do what they love – imagine and play with Disney storylines and characters in new and interesting ways.” The following top ten are available at toy stores, department stores and also at Disney’s Ten … Continue reading

Dress Your Kids Like A Crocodile Hunter

Tuesday marks the first anniversary of “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin’s tragic death off the Great Barrier Reef. You’ll recall the animal activist was killed when a stingray barb pierced his chest while he was taping a segment for his wildlife show. In the months since Irwin’s death, his 9-year-old daughter Bindi has made headlines picking up where he left off. Proving that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree Irwin’s daughter has morphed into “Bindi the Jungle Girl” and now stars in a TV show bearing the same title. “Jungle Girl” Bindi lives in a tree house and hangs … Continue reading

Bonding With Your Girl–Paper Dolls

My oldest daughter is eight years old. One of her favorite hobbies is making paper dolls. She has been doing it for a couple of years now, and as she has grown, she has gotten more and more skilled at it. Now there are several “levels” to the involvement that I can have with this particular activity. It can range from her showing me her work that she has completed already, to watching her design and cut out and make a single outfit, to creating an entire line of clothes for a season with her. (This last one is the … Continue reading

“Your kid is HOW old?” Guiding Your Child To Age-Appropriate Behaviors

Children with special needs often have developmental delays which may cause them to be more immature than their peers. Mental retardation, autism, and various learning disabilities can create a noticeable gap between a child’s developmental age and his or her actual age. For example, an eight-year-old girl with Down Syndrome might be fixated on carrying a tattered baby blanket. Or a boy on the autism spectrum who is ten might want to wear a Barney T-shirt. It’s a good idea for parents to help guide their special kids into behaviors which are more age-appropriate. Does “age appropriate” really matter? I … Continue reading