The Pregnant Woman’s Packing List

With summer in full swing, people are taking trips to visit family, relax on beaches, or go on new adventures. Depending on the destination, many people often choose to drive to their vacation spot. Riding in the car for an extended period of time, however, can put a damper on the fun, especially when you are pregnant. Let’s hope you have A/C in your car. Besides proper climate control, it’s a good idea to bring: 1. A comfy travel pillow. Whether it be a donut, boppy or overstuffed bed pillow, having something soft to lean your head against when you’re … Continue reading

Bare Feet Season

Summer is the time for staying up late and watching stars or catching fireflies, a time for homemade ice cream, popsicles and lemonade. And, summer time is the time for going bare foot. Many of us parents remember fondly being able to spend the warm summer months without shoes and there are some of us (myself included) who have the calluses and tough feet to show for years of childhood roaming. With the summer bare feet season, there are some concerns that we should be on the look out for… Not that it should stop us from letting our children … Continue reading

Autumn and “Nesting”

I usually hear “nesting” as a term that applies just to pregnant, expecting moms—“nesting” used to explain that urge many expectant women feel to clean, organize and decorate their homes. I think, however, that we families (moms, dads, and kids too) feel compelled to nest at different times—not just while waiting for the birth of a baby. If spring is considered the time of year when we clean things up and air things out to move our lives outside, then I think that autumn is the time of year we snuggle in, snuggle up and nest… I am not as … Continue reading