Downward Spiral of a Teen Mom

Let’s face it; even if your baby daddy is not an immature douchebag and your parents haven’t kicked you to the curb for having unprotected sex, getting pregnant while you are still a teenager is not going to be problem-free. So what of the teens moms, who don’t have a network of family and friends to rely on for support? Their rainbow/unicorn/puppy dog dreams typically shatter much quicker following the birth of their babies. Just ask Amber Portwood. The Indiana mom got pregnant while she was still in high school, but instead of giving birth, completing the credits needed to … Continue reading

MTV is 30 Years Old

Tomorrow is a very historic day for me. Not, it’s not my birthday, anniversary, or the day my son was born. Still, it would hold a significant place in my heart because at midnight on August 1, 1981, MTV showed its first video. You may be thinking this is somewhat silly, but back in the ‘80s, MTV and I spent quite a bit of time together. Memphis didn’t have cable in 1981, so I wasn’t intently glued to the television when MTV showed its first video. Any MTV aficionado knows that the first video played on the network was appropriately … Continue reading