Fitness Should Be a Lifestyle Change

We’re just a few days into the New Year.  Are you still feeling the same resolve to make this a healthier year? It’s no secret that gym clubs are swarming in the month of January.  More fruits and vegetables are purchased in January.  Changes are being made across the board. Yet it’s not uncommon for this to start dropping off in February and March.  By April it’s pretty obvious who are going to be the ones most likely to stick it out. While the good intentions are there, it won’t be what keeps you going.  There has to be more … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 1

Imagine how different your life would be if you made 52 fitness changes. Of course, most of us cannot even imagine such a thing. It would be too much. But what if you broke that down? Instead of making 52 changes at one time, you made one change per week? Now that sounds a bit more doable, doesn’t it? Well that is going to be my challenge for you in the next five blogs. I am going to provide a breakdown of changes you can make each week. My suggestion is that you print these blogs, so you have them … Continue reading

Make A Change For The Better

As a single mother I try to remember every day that I am the example Hailey sees most often. I try to live a life that I want her to emulate. I want to be kind, giving, loving and have no bad habits that have a negative effect on my life or my health. Maybe in my next life I’ll be able to give up chocolate and diet soda but in this one I’m struggling! We all have habits that we wish we didn’t and things we certainly don’t want our kids to pick up. Maybe you bite your nails … Continue reading

Eating Habits

You know the old saying, “You are what you eat.” But I also think it could be said that our children are what we eat. In other words, our eating habits are transferred down to them. I was recently reading an article about the “10 Bad Eating Habits Parents Often Teach their Kids” and came to a realization about something. I have gotten slack in this department. When they were younger, I had a lot more control over what they ate. I leaned toward healthier choices and because that was what I purchased, it was what I ate as well. … Continue reading

Small Changes Make Big Differences

So if you are a wife and you have a husband who is like mine you know how hard it is to change their eating habits. With my husband there are a few things that he just loves Dr. Pepper, Coke, milk, tomato sauce on spaghetti or pizza. These are all good foods but not when you only have one kidney. Soda’s that are dark in color contain phosphorus and that is very hard for kidneys to process. I am not sure what is in the cooked tomatoes or milk that are hard on kidneys but the nephrologist (kidney doctor) … Continue reading

Do You Support Your Spouse’s Healthy Habits?

I’ve mentioned before that my husband is the health nut and I’m the sugar addict. Lately, I’ve made major changes to my lifestyle and am no longer eating sugar. I’ve lost fifty pounds. How great is that? Because my husband understands how important it is to be healthy, he’s supported me all along the way and has never once sabotaged what I’m doing—we’re doing it together. But you know what, I’ve had friends tell me, “I’m trying to lose weight, but my husband eats junk food in front of me all the time.” Or, “My husband laughs when I tell … Continue reading

What Does Emotional Eating Look Like?

One sure detriment to your fitness success is emotional eating. It is a subject that I believe we can never talk enough about. It can sabotage every effort you make. So let’s do some digging into the makeup of an emotional eater, why it happens and how it looks. This week I was talking to my hairdresser, who mentioned that her almost 18-year-old daughter recently joined the gym. She had put on some weight and I asked if she was an emotional eater. She replied, “No, she doesn’t just eat when she’s sad. She eats when she’s happy, bored, you … Continue reading

Change Your Eating Habits One Meal at a Time

I have mentioned in previous blogs that I seem to have the exercise routine down pretty good. I am consistently working out each week at a minimum of 3 times but more often than not, 4 to 5 times. However where I continue to struggle is with my eating. But then again, for the most part I have been attempting an overhaul of changes when it comes to that, instead of taking my own advice about exercise and doing it in steps. Changing the way you eat can be difficult if you try to do too much at one time. … Continue reading

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Changes

If you have been having trouble establishing a fitness routine, it may be that you are going at it the wrong way. For some people just jumping into a routine works great but for many other people they need to slowly work their way in. Weekly goals may be the right way to tackle your fitness routine. Monthly goals are too long and daily are too short. I think weekly are a good compromise. So let’s think about exercise. Let’s say you want to be able to work out at least 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes … Continue reading

When Cheating the System You Only Cheat Yourself

Whatever “system” you use to keep fit; there is one thing we could all be reminded of. It’s that while cheating the system, you only cheat yourself. My fitness “system” is my Wii Fit Plus. I have been faithfully working out now and feeling pretty good. However there was one day when I really didn’t feel like working out. But I wanted to mark it off on my calendar and keep up the pattern I had of working out every day. I wanted the Wii Fit system to recognize my commitment. So I worked out but I did it half-heartedly. … Continue reading