Don’t Understand Kids? Fake It!

I admit it here and now that I do NOT always understand why my kids do what they do or what their motivations or inner workings are. Sometimes, I do and sometimes I can at least see inklings and smidges of what is going on inside their heads and inner-persons. But, I’ve learned over the years that they really do need me to “get them”—even when they say they don’t. So, when I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, I’ve learned to try to fake it. I think that our children need us to be and stay in control. Of … Continue reading

Mirroring and Validation—a Parent’s Tools

I often write about communication as it pertains to parenting. I think that being able to communicate well with our kids is a key element in being an effective parent. Not only can we build strong relationships with our children, but we are also modeling strong communication skills and developing skills and techniques we can use in all sorts of other areas of our lives. Mirroring and validation are two communicating techniques that are very well-suited to parenting. Mirroring is when we “send back” to our kids the message that we understand what they are saying or trying to tell … Continue reading

How Many Agendas Are We Juggling Here?

I have got an agenda. I’ve got a work agenda, a personal agenda, and I most definitely have a Mom agenda. That ought to be enough agendas for one household, but throw in three more humans and we’ve got agenda-mania going on around here. I have to remind myself of that fact when I’m wondering why things aren’t running as smoothly as I think they should! I think dueling agendas can be blamed for all sorts of family issues. After all–we want our child to pick up his room and get home on time, but he has other challenges and … Continue reading