Happy Birthday Dylan

It’s nearly official. Dylan went to bed as a two year old, and when he awakens in the morning it will be his third birthday. Good night, toddler, good morning, preschooler. I’m not sure that I agree with all of those people who say that “it goes by so fast”, but that might be either because not enough time has passed and I’ll be saying it a few years from now or because I have been lucky enough to stay home with him and experience (nearly) every waking moment of his toddlerhood. There is no one word that sums up … Continue reading

Sleeping in Separate Beds: You’re Not Alone

Our culture believes that couples who sleep in separate beds are either experiencing or inviting problems in their marriage. Because I’m a light sleeper, I’m a firm believer that couples should be free to sleep separately if necessary. Jon and I almost always sleep together, but if one of us is restless we move to another bed, to keep that person from being woken up. I know that sleeping in the same bed improves intimacy. Once kids are part of the equation alone time between couples is scarce, and time in bed together, even if it’s just the process of … Continue reading

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother’s Day everyone. I hope that your day is filled with the joy of your children’s smiles and the love of your family. As a single mother Mother’s Day may not be all that I dreamed of when I first had a baby. Breakfast in bed, homemade cards and being doted on by a loving husband. The cards are still homemade, and I treasure every one of them. Most of the time I make breakfast and although Hailey tries to dote on me, she quickly gets bored with it and wants to do something she wants to do. That’s … Continue reading

Happy Helping Husbands

Today I took my kids, including my newest addition, to story time at the public library. My oldest son loves it. I frequently meet other moms there and get a chance to get out of the house and feel a little “normal”. Or at least, as normal as I can with a new baby around. Today I sat next to a Mom and we started chatting. She had 4 kids (twins in the middle) and her youngest was still a baby, although starting to toddle around. During the conversation, she said that she and her husband were going through a … Continue reading

Insurers Say Sleep Lab Tests are Overprescribed

Snoring used to be considered little more than an annoyance. Today, doctors understand that there can be a connection between snoring and sleep apnea. Sleep tests done in a lab are expensive, and insurers believe that they are being overprescribed. This could be increasing the cost of health insurance. Sleep Apnea is something that doctors have become more aware of over the years. It is a type of sleeping disorder that is serious. Sleep Apnea causes a person to repeatedly stop breathing while he or she is sleeping. This can cause the brain, and the rest of the body, to … Continue reading

Happy Chaos

Remember Punky Brewster? She was such a cute little kid but now she is all grown up with two little ones of her own. Soleil Moon Frye is an entrepreneur, a social media maven, an advocate for Alzheimer’s, a mom and now a writer. She has written the book she says she wished she had when her first daughter was born. It is a fun book to read, her style and sense of humor make it a book you don’t want to put down because while you are reading it you feel like you are talking to a friend and … Continue reading

Happy Father’s Day

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, days full of expectations. Breakfast in bed, well behaved children, getting to watch something you would like to watch on TV, being pampered and catered to. Then we wake up. As cute as our kids are and as much as they try to be angels for our special day, they are kids, and ten minutes after being the most adorable, thoughtful child on the planet, they do something that makes you wonder if you are going to live through parenting them. Single fathers are not a new breed but their numbers are growing and we … Continue reading

Happy Bookday

Monday for me was what an online friend and fellow author described as ‘happy bookday.’ It was the day my novel Streets on a Map was published. While it will be available in bookshops, it is also going to be available from my website. Since I am nobody’s idea of a computer literate person, once again I had to rely on that darling husband of mine. Not just to help me celebrate although there was some of that, but to carry in the boxes of books that are now stored in my study. Then he went in and set up … Continue reading

Bedtime With Baby

I go back and forth a lot on how to handle bedtime with our daughter. Up until this point, I’ve been very relaxed with our routine. If she seemed tired, I’d let her sleep. If she woke up and wasn’t happy being in bed, I’d take her out and hold her, feed her, or do whatever else it took to make her happy. In the last month, she settled into a routine by herself. She took naps about the same time each day and went to bed about the same time each night. However, things haven’t been so consistent lately. … Continue reading

Mommy Blog Bashers

Have you ever considered that you could be helping a struggling single mom of four young children make ends meet each time you click on a link that leads to her blog? Earlier this year Oprah Winfrey devoted an entire show to the “Secret Lives of Moms.” It featured an audience full of women drooling at the chance to discuss the joys and pitfalls associated with raising the next generation. A portion of the episode spoke to a “new” kind of motherhood, in which women no longer suffer in silence about negative parenting experiences, mistakes and lack of maternal instincts. … Continue reading