Graduation—Part Six—Thank You’s and Appreciation

We have talked about paperwork, we have talked about party planning, we have talked about all sorts of realities and details that come up when one of your children is graduating. In the end, after the ceremonies and the parties, we still have to get out all those “thank you” cards and make sure we let everyone know how much we appreciate their participation… While I do think that graduating student needs to take a big role in the sending and sharing of the “thank you’s,” I am also not naïve enough to think that it will all get done … Continue reading

Graduation—Part Four—Managing the Invitations and Announcements

In the old days, I like to think that it was a much simpler process to announce a high school graduation. In fact, I think things were pretty homogenized when I graduated and I simply had to order the announcements through the school—everyone’s looked alike and then I can’t remember if I addressed them and mailed them out or my mom did (I’m pretty sure it was me.) Regardless, it seemed a fairly easy and painless process. With my daughters, however, the invitations/announcements have been a bit of a bigger deal. First, my daughters decided they wanted to do a … Continue reading

Graduation—Part Three—to Have a Party or Not

Since I am living through the intensity of high school graduation—double-time (with two daughters moving on to college)—I have been writing about some of my challenges and observations. One of the big ones for us was deciding whether to have a party or not, and then figuring out what sort of a party, how to invite people and even coordinating the “when” was a big deal… Once my daughters decided that they could and would have a party together, they were both on board. At first, they just weren’t sure. There are so many other parties going on and one … Continue reading