The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Growing up, our family had lots of traditions. Some were fun and silly, others were a bit more serious. But there is one in particular that I never really learned to appreciate until I was older. Every year, in December, my grandparents would take a portion of what they would have spent on our Christmas gifts and set it aside for each of us to do a service project with. Sometimes we would combine it as a family and do a big service project, other times we each chose our own, but it helped remind us of what Christmas is … Continue reading

Christmas Shopping for Your Child’s Teacher

Now that Thanksgiving is over, the countdown to Christmas is on, and that means parents are under even more pressure to cram as much as humanly possible into a 24-hour period. For many moms and dads that means more Bah! Humbug! than fa-la-la-la-la, but such is the society-driven hoopla surrounding the birth of Christ. In addition to cooking, cleaning and coordinating school holiday concert schedules, parents must rack their brains to come up with meaningful gifts for grandparents, aunts, uncles, pizza delivery men and other major influences in their child’s life. What’s more, most of us also feel obligated to … Continue reading

Plan Your Christmas Scrapbook Now

I know of one person who has already started to play some of their Christmas music. To me, this is much too early to think about Christmas. Besides, I like to take one holiday at a time. Let me first enjoy Thanksgiving and then give it at least a day to put it behind me before I think about Christmas. As much as I would like to do that, I really can’t help but think of Christmas because it is already time to start getting lists together for the grandparents. I would also like to get a head start on … Continue reading

Save Money With the Christmas Sales at Target

Target has always been a good place to shop if you are frugal, on a budget, or just want to save money on the items you need to buy. This includes the things that you want to buy as Christmas gifts for your friends and family. The Christmas sales at Target have just started. It is time to take advantage of their sales, and help yourself manage to stay within your budget this holiday season. If you have children of your own, you may have already been hearing about all the toys and games that your kids are hoping to … Continue reading

Grandparents Not Giving As Much This Christmas

Grandparent Grinches? Not in my family. A new survey says, due to the current state of the economy, grandparents won’t be buying as many gifts for their grandkids this year. This is heartbreaking news for families the world over who rely on grandparents to play Santa. Last year I asked: Who needs Santa when you’ve got generous grandparents? I wasn’t kidding. My daughter and my nephew are blessed beyond words that my parents spoil them rotten. I can’t speak for my brother’s family, but I know for a fact that my daughter’s Christmas would not be nearly as merry and … Continue reading

Christmas Presents for a Baby

My daughter’s first Christmas was a fairly easy one. There were no wild expectations, no knowledge of the snow, Santa, and carols that usually accompany the season. I did want to give her a few appropriate gifts, though. Of course, the grandparents were desperate to shower her with goodies, too. We put some limits on the gift-giving – after all, a baby won’t remember Christmas and needs very little. However, if you’re being asked by relatives for baby gift suggestions, here are some ideas: * The practical gift. If there’s something that you wanted for a baby shower and did … Continue reading

How Much Are You Planning to Spend on Your Kids this Holiday Season?

Recession? What recession? Seriously, I often wonder how much the media has skewed our view on the nation’s economic situation. Every headline, every news ticker, every “top story” has to do with how poor our country’s financial situation is, and how things are only going to get worse before they get better. While news anchors are reading stories about record unemployment, mounting foreclosures, no money here, less money there, my friend’s 10-year-old daughter is heading to the spa. No kidding. Young Keera scored an invitation to yet another birthday party, this time at a local spa that caters to tweens. … Continue reading

Six Critical Skills for Frugal and Eco-Friendly Kids

These are frugal times, and these are times when environmental consciousness is rising. How can you prepare your kids to live as adults when times are more frugal and much more ecologically conscious? This generation of parents has lost a lot of the skills that our grandparents had. I know I have, and I’m trying to regain them. Here are six ways that you can help your children become frugal adults. By modeling these skills and allowing your kids to help, you’ll give them great know-how for the future. Preparing Food Prepared food is something that is easy for kids … Continue reading

Toddlers and Holidays

Sometimes, it is interesting to think about how and when children come to understand the meanings of the various holidays that their families celebrate. Of course, much of the understanding (or lack thereof) comes from how “into” each particular holiday a child’s parents are. For example, I am not sure whether Dylan understands a whole lot about Christmas because my husband and I have not been overly focused on teaching him about it. He understands Thanksgiving more, because that is our favorite holiday. St. Patrick’s Day is this weekend, and at not quite two and a half years old, Dylan … Continue reading

Week Thirty Seven

It never ceases to amaze me just how quickly the weeks seem to fly by towards the end of pregnancy. This has been a very busy week! My nesting instinct is in full force as I am finding myself wanting and needing to get everything done and organized before week thirty eight. From finishing Christmas gifts for extended family (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and grandparents) to finishing nursery projects, to getting the house in order for the birth of our daughter, busy is what I have been! This week I spent several days making Christmas presents and putting gifts together … Continue reading