Herding Turtles

Years ago, when my children were all much younger, my mother once commented while I was trying to get the three of them headed in the same direction at the same time that it was just like “herding turtles.” With three kids in three years, there were times when it was more than challenging. But the truth is, it was much easier to get them all coordinated and organized when they were younger, than it is now that they are all older teens! Now, getting all three of them in the same room on the same day at the same … Continue reading

You May Have to Tolerate a Bad Attitude

How many times have you wished you could control or manipulate your child’s mood or attitude? I know that as my children reached the pre-teen years, I really wasn’t ready for the snarkiness and bad attitudes that came along. It wasn’t enough for me that they actually did what I asked them to, I wanted them to do it with a smile and glee. The reality was, if I waited for them do both mind and obey, AND be happy about it–I would probably be waiting forever! I learned that it is perfectly normal to expect and tolerate some grumbling … Continue reading