How to Unplug Your Kids And Encourage Family Communication

Want to have a better relationship with your kids and teens? Do you find it hard to get their attention when they are staring at a screen? Here are some tips for parents who want to unplug their kids and encourage communication. Limit Screen Time The goal is to place limits on when and where your child or teen can use their computer, tablet, or smartphone. The goal is not to remove those devices from your kids forever. A reasonable amount of screen time can be stimulating and sometimes even educational. Parents need to pick their battles with this one. … Continue reading

How to Set Up a Homework Station

The new school year is upon us. Your kids are likely to have at least a little bit of homework to do after school. Many parents find it difficult to convince their children to sit down and do their homework. One thing that can make the situation a little less stressful, and more productive, is to set up a homework space. How to Setup a Homework Area It is easy to see why kids and teens don’t enjoy doing their homework. They just spent their whole day at school trying to learn things that are new to them, working on … Continue reading

Coupons for Einstein Bros., Quiznos, Taco Bueno, and More!

It isn’t easy to find some family time during the week. Parents are working, and the kids have school, homework, and after school activities to attend. One way to make sure you have time to sit down and have a conversation with your family is to take them out to dinner. Here are some deals at restaurants, cafes, and fast food places. That should help! Monical’s Pizza has three coupons for you. Each coupon will expire on September 23, 2012. One is for an 8” Pizza with one topping, an individual garden salad, and a 20 ounce soft drink for … Continue reading

Coupons for White Castle, Einstein Bros, Carl’s Jr, and More!

School has started, and it won’t be long before extra-curricular sports activities begin. Many families find themselves rushing from game to game, and teaching their kids how to juggle time spent on homework with time spent at practice. These are the nights when fast food looks like the easiest option for dinner. Here are some deals that can help you to save some money on dining out. Carl’s Jr just started advertising their Memphis BBQ Burgers. They also have a coupon for $1.00 off any size combo of their Memphis BBQ Burger. The coupon doesn’t expire until November 30, 2012, … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Back to School: Family Calendar

Next week my teens go back to school. Although this school year will be a bit easier to manage (now that our oldest has moved out), I know I still need to make sure I am planning and preparing for a successful year. Now when I say successful, I mean organized and flowing. My goal is to reduce the number of chaotic mornings we have and make sure everyone knows what is going on each day. One of the systems I implemented last year and have faithfully continued is our color-coded family calendar. It is a dry erase calendar, hung … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – Week of July 8 -14, 2012

Every week, the Special Needs Blog Week in Review brings you a brief summary of each of the blogs that have appeared here in the past seven days. This is a quick and easy way to find out about the blogs that you might have missed when they were first posted. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on July 9, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out an episode of The Coffee Klatch. The episode is called “DSM, Examining a Flawed System That Traps Our Children”. If I understand correctly, this is an episode of the “Bright Not … Continue reading

Help Your Child Relax

In a recent study researchers found that over half of 7 to 9 year olds were feeling stressed. Those with divorced parents experience additional stress as they are going between homes and trying to balance all of the other little things in their young lives. As parents we want our children to be happy and enjoy life without getting bogged down by the pressures of everyday life. We need to create an atmosphere in our home that encourages our children to relax and enjoy being little. Don’t overschedule your children. While you want your children to stay busy and be … Continue reading

Help Your Child to Cope with Sibling’s Special Needs

It is typical for a family that includes more than one child to see some sibling rivalry from time to time. What isn’t so typical is the amount of responsibility that kids who have a sibling that has special needs often feel is placed upon them. Here are a few tips to help your child cope with the special needs of his or her sibling. As the oldest kid, I spent time helping my younger siblings with homework, with tying their shoes, and with other day to day activities. This isn’t unheard of or unusual. The difference was that my … Continue reading

Helping With Homework

When Hailey was younger one of our biggest challenges was homework. After work and school there was so much to do that often homework was the last thing we thought about and it would be done in a hurry with no other thought than getting it done so we could go to bed. When you are a single parent it is hard to make time for everything but our children’s education is so important that we have to make time to let them know how important it is. I wish I knew where that dream family lives, the one with … Continue reading

Making The Night Shift Work For Your Family

Yesterday I talked a little bit about parents who choose to work the night shift. If you are wondering how it works on a practical level, I have decided to discuss that today. After trying a couple of different approaches to adjusting your family’s schedule to accommodate a parent working the night shift at home you will most likely find a solution that works for your family. When a family or a couple thinks of each day as a twenty four hour period of time, it is easier to find creative ways to do or have the things that you … Continue reading