Housework – The Bane Of My Existance

Housework is the bane of my existence. I would much rather be writing, reading, scrap booking, or playing with my kids. I even prefer doing laundry and cooking to the mundane tasks of cleaning my bathrooms, doing the dishes, and sweeping or vacuuming the floors. Yet housework is a necessary evil. I like having a clean house. I just don’t like cleaning it. Someday when I’m rich (if that day ever comes) I will hire someone to clean my house. Then I get the rewards without the work. But for now I am the official housekeeper. When I finally do … Continue reading

“The Good Wife’s Guide”

Back at the start of February my friend Christy (of saved the puppy fame) forwarded an email entitled “The Care and Feeding of a Husband.” It was one I had seen before, and one which has become both laughable and notorious. Why? Well, in case you haven’t seen it, the article’s title is “The Good Wife’s Guide” and it suggests several specific ways to be a good wife. Below are a few of them: • Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of … Continue reading

Household Chores and a Simple Thank You

Sometimes it seems that the number one cause of rancor in a marriage is the division of household labor. The popular image of the husband going off to work every morning while the wife takes care of the house is pervasive, even in the 21st century when men are just as likely to prepare the evening meal as their wives are whether they have gone to work all day or not. When you cope with both spouses working, the division of household labor can become even more intensive. 9 times out of 10, if an overfull trash can gets on … Continue reading