Teaching Values to Your Children

Yesterday, my 1st grader came home and told me that a girl at school was being a bully at recess. Of course, I asked a million questions trying to get more details regarding what happened. It seemed to me after talking about it for a long time, that this other 1st grader was trying to tease my daughter because of something that my daughter said. I finally realized that it was mostly innocent child’s play (although a little aggressive), but at the same time, I used it as a teaching opportunity to tell my children again that if they don’t … Continue reading

The Pattern of Domestic Violence

Wednesday is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The aim is to raise the profile of this crime, for that is what it is, to try and change attitudes and lessen the problem. Let’s hope and pray it has some effect. It saddens me to think that domestic violence is such a problem in our world. No way could I imagine Mick raising a hand to me or my son or son-in-law raising a hand against their wives. Yet, sadly that is not the case for all women. I’ve had a couple of friends who have been … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: May 31 to June 7

Did you miss a blog these last two weeks? We had a lighter couple of weeks in the baby blog–mostly due to the Delp Family June Madness. We did nothing short of five birthday parties (this is my husband’s job) two recitals and a graduation. In fact, we were so light on the blogs the week before, I couldn’t do a week in review. So if your last few weeks have been anything like ours, you’ll likely have some reading to catch up on! So here’s what we covered this week. Saturday, May 31 The Pressure to Perform I am … Continue reading

Family Violence. An Australian Aboriginal Perspective.

Violence has become entrenched into our societies. Many individuals hold non-violence as a personal value and strive to end it. Despite laws that protect against assault, domestic and family violence (including incest, rape and sexual assault) continues to be a shameful mark on our progressive and contemporary ways of life. Reasons to explain domestic violence have long been pondered over and everyday community members question why women would stay in such dreadful situations. History and culture may go a long way to explain entrenched violence but too often, we each react from our own view of the world, rather than … Continue reading

How Children Learn the Cycle of Violence

The Cycle of Violence is a pattern of behavior that occurs in many relationships. It is insidious, refuses to use clear communication, and relies on people reacting through behaviors rather than clearly identifying and calmly stating their case. Why are so many adults sucked into the Cycle of Violence? Because they have learnt it as children. This is how it goes… Mum awoke this morning with conviction anew. During the night she had slept badly, worried that she was yelling at the kids too much. Leaping out of bed, eager to start a new day, she said aloud to her … Continue reading

The Cycle of Violence: part 7, Stand Over.

This is the last part of the Cycle of Violence. It is the culmination of the insidious and convincing trick behaviors that have occurred during Explosion, Remorse, Buy Back, Honeymoon, Normal, and Tension Build Up. The tension in the air has become so great that the home is like a powder keg. Every waking minute, the household members live in fear of an explosion. People speak in hushed tones, they become hypervigilant and keep a check on where the perpetrator is, and they wait. The moment he enters the scene they know there’s going to be trouble. It may be … Continue reading

The Cycle of Violence: part 4, Honeymoon.

Like Buyback, Honeymoon is also a lovely part of the Cycle of Violence. It is the stage where any promises made during Buyback may actually be kept, once or twice. It is a stage of upping the anti around trapping you into staying in the claws of the Cycle of Violence. During Honeymoon, all appears well. The perpetrator is attentive to your every need. He treats you and your children well. He may go to counseling. He may begin to change his behavior. He may even stop himself at times, rephrase his words, and apologize for falling back to his … Continue reading

Fresh, Fun Cosmetics Sales Opportunities are Available Through mark.

Today, I came a cross a home-based business opportunity that could be a lot of fun for the right person. Let me preface this by saying that I am definitely not the right person for this business opportunity, but you might be. I know that it is not a good fit for me because it involves selling cosmetics. Direct selling is certainly not my strong suit. Even though I can be quite persuasive, I prefer to direct my persuasive energies towards arguing on behalf of my clients in court or creating proposals that will win me the writing jobs that … Continue reading

What Really Happens When Adopted Kids Grow Up?

It’s a fear that creeps into most parents’ minds occasionally, and perhaps a bit more often for adoptive parents: “What if my kid turns out to be a totally messed-up adult?” It’s awfully hard to imagine a sweet-faced, affectionate five-year-old as an out-of-control teen or an embittered and estranged young adult. Yet, sometimes we meet caring parents whose teens have fallen into drug abuse, or sweet elderly neighbors whose children never visit, or a couple celebrating their 60th anniversary whose children have each been divorced three times. Thus we have two opposing voices in our heads. Usually the one that … Continue reading

How One Judge is Changing Infants’ Lives

It is pretty much widely known among the scientific community that babies who interact regularly with their parents are, well. . .smarter. Early development specialists have long suggested that a lack of interaction can lead to a life time of learning problems and a lack of trust. When infants cannot connect with an adult it leaves them unable to trust anyone and often leads to a cyclical life of abuse and neglect. The neglected becomes the mother who neglects. . .and the cycle never ends. Enter Judge Cindy Lederman. As a family court judge in Florida, she sees cases like … Continue reading