When Your Toddler is Sick

One of the worst parts of parenting is seeing your child sick and not being able to do anything about it. As a mother, it breaks my heart to see my son sick. I thought that before he was talking, but now that he is talking, it has gotten worse. My son now says, “I’m good,” as if he thinks being sick is punishment. Tonight, as I write this, my heart is breaking. My son has a fever and cough and feels awful. He can’t get comfortable and he doesn’t know why. I can’t seem to get him to understand … Continue reading

Keep a Sick Child at Home!

Each year of teaching never seems to amaze me. Every year I am completely flabbergasted by the things that some parents will say or do. However, I suppose that I must back up a bit and admit that I do not yet have a child in school. For I may just as well be one of those crazy parents when mine are in school! Parents send all types of odd notes or items to school with their children. We actually had one child bring in two pumpkins, and not during Halloween. She simply stated that her mother told her to … Continue reading

How to Soothe A Sick Child

The call went something like this: (10:30 AM, Monday morning) Phone: Ring-ring. Me(M): Hello. Voice on other end (VOOE): Ms. Turner? M: Yes. VOOE: This is Ms. Williams at Martha Thomas School. Tyler was throwing up and we’re going to have to ask you to come and get him. M (soft slow groan): Okay, I’ll be right there. VOOE: Thanks, he’s in the office. This scenario is played out time and time again, day in and day out, especially when you have little kids. I wasn’t overly concerned as I went to pick Tyler up because I knew he had … Continue reading

Drinking Aloe

Aloe vera has long been valued as a healing plant. The leaves are full of a gel that has been shown to help heal wounds and soothe burns. But have you thought about drinking aloe juice? On the one hand, it seems like something that can be so beneficial for your outsides might not be bad for your insides, too. Studies have shown that aloe latex — taken from the lining of the aloe leaves — works reasonably well as a laxative. But right now there isn’t much evidence to guide dosages or compare aloe latex with other available laxatives. … Continue reading

Soft Baby Carrier Feature: The Ergo and the Beco Baby Carriers

I still have my Ergo baby carrier. It sits in a place of honor that doesn’t seem to be such an honorable place. It’s in a Rubbermaid box in the basement of my house. The box houses those baby items of my daughter’s that are so important to me that I am going to make them into a quilt one day. Or so the plan goes. Whether the quilt ever materializes is another question, but the fact is that the Ergo was an essential part of my early parenting. I have memories of putting the Ergo on my back in … Continue reading


Earlier yesterday my wife remarked about the fact that she does everything pertaining to our son. While I’d like to be able to disagree with this perspective it would be somewhat impossible. All of our son’s primary needs are met by his mother. My wife feeds him, clothes him, bathes him, soothes him, gets up in the middle of the night with him, spends the days with him, and on and on. Her saintly actions glitter brightly against the stark darkness of my indirect actions. This got me thinking about what I actually do for our son. People keep asking, … Continue reading

Clogged Ears

When I get sick, it usually goes to my sinuses and throat. And those are problems I know how to handle! I’ve had a lot of success holding off sinus infections by using an irrigation kit. But for the last few days, my left ear has been clogged. Maybe it’s lingering water from the shower, maybe it’s something more serious. I’m starting to get that achy feeling down towards my jaw that reminds me of swimmer’s ear. Time to turn to my trusty home remedy resources! The general consensus among my library of natural remedies is that water may indeed … Continue reading

Treat that Cold Without Drugs or Honey!

The FDA recently warned parents that cold and cough medications for children under the age of 6 were ineffective and potentially dangerous. Consequently drug makers voluntarily recalled all of the cold medications aimed at the young crowd. Parents are now in a quaundry over what to do with their sick infants. However, with parents feeling like they have little options to soothe their infants’ stuffy noses, hospitals are seeing a rise in botulism cases. Wondering what stuffy noses and botulism have to do with one another? Apparently, many mothers are using honey to soothe throats and treat colds. Hospitals are … Continue reading

Week of October 9th in Review

I have had a crazy week this week. I celebrated my 10-year anniversary and my husband’s birthday. I had what seemed like a million other things to do. As a result I didn’t get many blogs written this week. But I did want to take a few minutes to review what has been written for my own benefit and for yours. Monday Myra shared this tidbit. Good News For Older Women Who Are Trying To Conceive: Acupuncture May Boost Fertility. Parenting With Love and Logic is a great book that helps parents recognize their parenting style and then teaches them … Continue reading