Kids’ Birthday Parties—How Much Is Too Much?

Recession? What recession? The economic crisis, which has battered and bruised many Americans, is apparently a non-issue if your name is Diddy. The rapper with 1,000 names–he was born Sean Combs, but later morphed into “Puff Daddy,” then “P. Diddy,” then the artist known as “Diddy,” then “Straight up P,” and now just “Diddy”—-is showing the world that money really can buy love. And that goes double if you are a parent. Daddy Diddy recently made headlines when he threw his son an insanely expensive Sweet 16 party. The ultimate birthday bash took place at one of New York City’s … Continue reading

Tabby’s Special Powers

Right after my mom died my heart hurt, but not to the extent it’s been hurting the last few weeks. I think I was sort of numb the first several days following her passing. I was exhausted, both mentally and physically, and to be honest, a little relieved. Knowing something’s going to happen, but not knowing exactly when, then to see my mom tormented in the manner she was…I was just thankful she no longer had to go through any of that. That none of us did. But now the tears everyone said would spontaneously start to flow for seemingly … Continue reading

Conversation Starter Trick—What Do They Have in Their Hand?

Finding ways to get conversations started and smoothly approach new people at networking events can be a challenge for some. Starting from scratch can seem hard, and making “small talk” can seem daunting too. One “trick” for approaching people and starting up an introductory conversation is to see if they have anything in their hands, and use THAT as a jumping-off point. Now, granted, people don’t ALWAYS have something in their hands, but they often do. Often, they are carrying a book, magazine, or newspaper, or may be holding a purse, bag or datebook. Making a casual comment, or, even … Continue reading

How Much of This is Personality?

We parents want to find a cause and effect for everything. In fact, most of the parenting books and magazine articles lead us to believe that we have far more power to control our child’s temperament and behavior choices than we probably do. One of the issues that seldom comes up in manuals and “how to” statements is allowing for differences in personality—for kids AND parents. Have you ever stopped to wonder just how much of what happens in your family is due to personality? One of the things that happens when you’ve been at parenting for a while and … Continue reading

Hurricane Sandy Relief Continues to Pour In

Hurricane Sandy happened almost a month ago, but the devastation it left in its path will take a long time to clean up. There are still about 120,000 people without power in New York and New Jersey, but that also includes homes there were too damaged to have power anyhow. If anything good came from this, it is the generosity of Americans. Some physically went to damaged areas while others gave what they could to help the victims. I already wrote about celebrities that gave to Hurricane Sandy relief, but it is worthy to note that Lady Gaga donated $1 … Continue reading

A Teen’s Reputation

How do you break out of a bad reputation? It can be really difficult and a painful lesson that one of my children is learning. It becomes even more frustrating when it’s a situation at church, and adults are involved. Youth leaders, who are supposed to be helping teens through these sometimes difficult years, yet can’t seem to let go of past behavior. Now I’m not talking out-of-control behavior. I’m speaking of a teen with an attitude and talking when you aren’t supposed to. Yet no matter how my child tries to remake herself, the old is the only thing … Continue reading

Passion’s Place in A Marriage

Maybe I should stop expecting television to accurately portray life or romance, but I can’t help it. Media has a subtle yet powerful influence on our thinking, especially on younger folks, that just makes me want to address the issues it raises. Fox’s trendy new sitcom “New Girl,” starring Zooey Deschanel, just wrapped up its freshman season. In the last few episodes Deschanel’s character Jess breaks up with her boyfriend after having dinner with him and his ex-wife (something that was a bad idea in the first place). At the dinner she observed the formerly-married couple at each other’s throats, … Continue reading

Friendship: the Foundation of Marriage

Last week my husband and I made cookies for breakfast. It is supposed to be healthier to eat a batch of cookies, or really any dessert, early in the morning rather than later at night. This way we have more time to burn off those extra calories. That’s not why we made them, though. We made them because the night before I’d experimented with making Pasta Puttanesca (not bad, though I think in the future I’d just swap the anchovies for tuna), and its smell still hung around the kitchen. I figured the best way to get rid of it … Continue reading

Is Your Job Making You Sick?

Each home – based professional has his or her own reasons why working from home is right for them. Today, I am going to look at how working at home can help people that have one specific reason that they need to leave their office job as soon as possible. While many people may say that they are sick of their job, there are other people that suffer from actual physical or mental illness as a result of their job. Some people are very sensitive to pollutants and toxins in the environment. It does not take much to make them … Continue reading

Worrying is Eternal

Thank you to everyone who sent prayers and well wishes to my family in Hawaii and Japan in the hours following the massive earthquake and tsunami which flattened most of Miyagi and Fukushima Prefecture. Despite the dozens of earthquakes, tsunamis and tsunami warnings that I have lived through growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii, including a 7.2 earthquake in 1975, which generated a tsunami that claimed multiple lives, I’d be a fool to underestimate the power of Mother Nature’s wrath. Being jaded doesn’t pay. My heart goes out to the displaced families in Japan and to all of … Continue reading