What Would Bill Cosby Do? (Or Mrs. Cosby for That Matter?)

Even after nearly twenty years of parenting, I do NOT think of myself as an expert. Instead, I think of myself as still a parent in training. I try to draw on experts and channel the wisdom of those parenting sages who have gone before me. Usually it is a combination of Erma Bombeck and Bill Cosby—although I do tend to lean toward the feminine perspective… I think we all need a mentor—even if it an imaginary one. After all, when we’re deep in the parenting trenches and faced with one of those many situations where we are completely out … Continue reading

Can’t We Ever Have Anything Nice?

You know how there are things you say so often that they become part of the family lore? Your words become ensconced in the family vernacular and you hear them parroted back at you by your children—either in jest or just because it becomes the way the family speaks. My children like to tease me for one of my phrases that I have been saying so long it has become the pat response to messes and chaos… “Can’t we EVER have anything nice?!” I tend to keep a fairly neat house and I love to have things clean, fresh and … Continue reading