In the News: Older Fathers and Fertility

When we think of fertility issues we typically think of women as being the ones with the problem, especially older women. But what about older men? We hear a lot about men fathering kids in their sixties and beyond (Tyler’s father was 57 when I conceived). A resent study says that as men age they also have diminished fertility. In the study, 1,938 couples from 59 in vitro fertilization clinics in France were studied. The researchers found that for women between the age of 35 and 37 who were trying to have a baby with a man older than 40, … Continue reading

World’s Oldest Mom Gives Birth To Twins

A new world record has been set. A 67-year-old woman has just given birth to twins, making her the world’s oldest mother. The mother, whose name has not been released at the time of this writing, gave birth in Barcelona, Spain, after undergoing in vitro fertilization in the U.S. The previous record holder was a 66-year-old Romanian who gave birth in 2005. The mother and babies were reported to be doing fine, although the babies were in an incubator. Once this news hits the mainstream media, I’m sure there will be lots of talk about the mother being too old. … Continue reading